Sunday, May 27, 2007

Red Hot and Baby

Gracie made her resturant debut last night at Red Hot and Blue! In true Gracie form, she slept through the whole thing. It was a night of firsts for us all. I have been nursing Grace somewhat successfully for the past couple of days. She has been nursing part time and Dave has been giving her bottles to supplement. I have been having some issues (some?) with my milk coming in. It's here but there's not a lot of it. I went to the healthfood store yesterday to get Dave some of his bread. I remembered hearing about some supplment that helps increase breast milk supply. I asked the hippy that works there (she is really nice; Dave and I have spoken to her several times) and she said the supplement is called Fuengreek (sp) and pointed it out. Then she surprised me by saying, "If you really want to increase your supply, go out and buy a six pack of Guinness!" What, I was shocked! Apparently there is something in the Guinness (or any dark beer) that helps the milk flow. So, last night, with the urging of my parents and Dave, I drank a Guinness. It was so bitter (or stout as Dave tells me it's called) but I downed the whole thing. Not sure if it worked but it did help me to relax a bit!

Grace has mastered the art of relaxation!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! There is also some tea that you can purchase from any pharmacy (Children's Hospital Pharmacy sells it and if you want some I will get it for you)...I will ask my friend Chris about it. She bought it when she had Sophie. It really works apparently! Also, she wants to help you out if she can. She was a lactation consultant before she had kids and she has some of the same anatomy that you have (eh hem, eh hem). She asked for your phone number, but I told her I would ask you first. Let me know what you think about the tea!
Love you!!