Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Updates...Halloween, High Chairs, Hysterics

Another long awaited update I'm sure. I didn't realize that I hadn't even mentioned Halloween...bad Mommy! Grace goes to bed at 7 so we decided to wait to actual trick or treat until next year. Instead, Gracie helped Mommy pass out candy to some of the other litle kids. Grace enjoyed seeing all of the little ones but, as soon as they left, she stood next to the door and sort of whined until the next group arrived. Too cute.

I have been meaning to mention the funniest thing that Gracie does. As soon as she's done eating and we put her down, Gracie takes her high chair, pushes it back exactly where it belongs and then snaps the seat belt. She has become infatuated with buckles. Hint hint Ssanta Clause. Anyway, it's so cute that she's developing her own little rituals.

Grace had her 18 month appt at the doctors and she's right on track, weighing in at 25lbs. Her speech development is also right on track which has been a concern for Dave and I given her ear issues. Right now she is saying: Mama, Papa, Joe, no, night nights, ball, uh-oh, up, cracker, banana (it sounds like nana), baby, and book. She repeats what she hears us say, a challenge for me to keep it clean!

I am almost 15 weeks pregnant with number 2 and finally feeling much better. The second time around has its challenges but one good thing is that I'm not as concerned when I feel a little cramp or just don't feel right...all these things are normal...I can't wait to see Grace as a big sis. They will be right about 2 years apart so I'm hoping they will be best friends!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace and her high chair

She can see the trick or treaters coming!

Our little fairy princess!

"I love Halloween even though I didn't get any candy:("

Monday, November 10, 2008

Little Baby T #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the latest of the new baby (13weeks 5 days, EDD 5-15-09)! Went to the doctors and everything looks good. Mommy has been feeling better but it's much tougher the second time around. Gracie doesn't understand, "Ok honey, Mommy's gotta hurl!" but Daddy has been a real help. Here's the new baby...just two years younger than Grace! (On our old entry under Nov. 2006 we have a ultrasound of Gracie that was done 11-6, this one was done today, 11-10!)