Friday, January 30, 2009

We miss you Mom Mom

We weren't ready to let you go. We still need you. We'll love you forever.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a terrific Christmas this year. Gracie was old enough to enjoy her presents (for the most part) and Dave and I were able to really get into the Christmas spirit by watching Grace. The morning didn’t start out exactly how we’d planned. My parents arrived around 8:30AM and Gracie was still asleep. We woke her up, brought her downstairs, and she was not happy about the huge pile of gifts that lay before her. Instead, she puked. Right on her new PJ’s and on mine. It was a riot. After helping her open several gifts, none of which she was pleased with, giving her a very bland breakfast, and a three-hour nap, she seemed to be feeling better. That afternoon we went to my parent’s house to exchange gifts with the rest of the crew. Gracie was attached to Mom Mom the whole time but seemed to be in better spirits. We had our turkey and ham, played with some toys, and then came on home.

This year Santa gave me a 2-week vacation. Yes, two whole weeks free from cafeteria duty, 6th graders making fart jokes, and those awkward calls to parents explaining why it’s against the rules for your son to hit another kid, even if we is annoying. Ah freedom. Well, not really. Gracie had accrued “vacation time” from her daycare, two whole weeks to be exact. That meant that if she didn’t go to school, we didn’t have to pay. Normally, weather she’s there or not, your 275 is due every Monday. Well, this meant a pretty nice “Christmas bonus” for us if she stayed with me. Why not? I’m her mother. I can handle this. Right? Right.

We started off with a playdate with some of my co-workers kids making gingerbread houses. It was a blast. Gracie didn’t want to help with the house so Mommy constructed it and then ate it on the way home. The kids interacted with each other and had a pretty fantastic time. Day one, check. Day two, also check. Day three, four, and five Daddy was home and all was well. This full time Mommy stuff is easy. Right? Right.

Week two…hell week. I won’t go on and on with all the details but the week consisted of vomit, tears, whining, kicking, screaming, diarrhea and numerous meltdowns. And that was just me……

But, we all made it out alive. Looking back on the two weeks, I am glad I had Grace all to myself. I got to really watch her play. We got to snuggle. We got to really enjoy each other. And yesterday, I got to take her back to school. Ahhh, motherhood!

Gracie and Mama making the gingerbread house...yummy!

Looking pitiful

Mom Mom making her giggle!

She loves her new car!

Not to worry, she has since warmed up to her new bike!

Feelling better later in the day, playing with a paper towel roll. If I only knew I could have saved some bucks!

The aftermath!