Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is wrong with me...

It's been a while since I've written, I know. I've been busy. Raising two kids, a husband, and a Lab. I spend my days working, transporting kids, feeding kids, bathing kids, and watching the Real Housewives of whatever city they happen to be (I have my favorites but it really makes no difference to me). That's about it. Until now. Because it's SUMMER and I am not working!!!!! Gracie is in daycare two days a week, John is in full time so that gives me TWO whole days a week to myself and the other three bonding and doing all sorts of fun girly stuff with my Gracie. It's been great. But there's something wrong with me...

I can't seem to relax. When I was younger, I was a bit of a slob (no comments from the family please). My parents made me clean my room and I did. But it was never really clean. When I went to college, I recall having to walk over mounds of "stuff" just to make it to my bed. It was pretty bad. When I graduated and began my adult life, I was still a slob but I would like to believe that it was to a lesser degree. The mounds were smaller and full of nicer things. But, there were still mounds of stuff everywhere.

Until now. I have two small children and they come with a lot of stuff. They have toys and clothes and sippy cups and carseats and stickers (I actually went to the store yesterday with a sticker on my head). All this stuff needs to be put away. The clothes and sippys need to be washed. THESE THINGS MUST GET DONE PEOPLE. THEY MUST!!!!!

Or what, Susan? What? Will some horrible cosmic event occur if you don't vacuum the living room floor? Will the dishes in the sink go on strike and disappear to picket their ill treatment? No you nerd. So just relax.

Wow, I somehow feel more relaxed. Maybe I need to write more. Thanks for listening.

Oh, here are some recent pictures of the kids and our summer of fun 2010!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kids' Birthdays

John enjoying his cake!!!
Singing to Gracie girl!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"It's a Bear Hunt"

Every night at dinner, Dave and I ask Gracie what she did at school that day. Normally, we get "I did art" or the occasional "I read a book with Ms. Heather", typical 2 year old answers. Today, we got this: "We went on a Bear Hunt! Shut the door and close it...we're going on a Bear Hunt!" Priceless!
And now she's had enough!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

9 Months

John's 9 month stats:
29 inches tall (75th percentile)
21lbs 1/2oz (50th percentile)
HC 18 inches (75th percentile)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

John's First Big Boy Bath...and pics with Mom and Dad

Kisses from Sissy

Posin' with Mama

John loves his big boy bath!

Posin' with Papa

John and his favorite lady!

He loves to splash!!!!!!

Monday, January 04, 2010

What's in a name...

Gracie now knows her full name...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Gracie's Christmas Show

Gracie's daycare put on a wonderful Christmas show last week. The show started at 7PM (gracie's bedtime) so Dave and I were a little nervous about her overall ability to function let alone pay attention and perform. As always, Gracie did a great job. John and I waited while Daddy tried to video the whole thing...not to easy. There were soo many people packed into this teeny gym that I was thinking about a fire and us not being able to reach the emergency exit...drama. We were able to get some video...enjoy!
Gracie and her class singing!
The grand finale!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Heart Walk

This year I put together a team to raise money for the American Heart Association in memory of my mom. With Jen and Dad's help we made $2000.00!!! Go us!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year we were all gung ho to take Gracie and John Trick or Treating. That was, of course, until it rained all day. We made the decision to forgo the actual Trick or Treating but did carve/paint pumpkins and participated in Gracie's school Trunk or Treat event on Friday night.

Gracie had a good time Trunk of Treating but it took her a while to learn that the candy went into the bag and that we would eat it later. She took every piece and asked Dave and/or I to open it for her. When we said no, she looked around and spotted about 5 adults who help her all day so surely they would help. Nope, we all stuck to our guns and even taught Gracie to say Trick or Treat! Our little fairy princess and monkey boy were a big hit!

Saturday we did the whole pumpkin carving/painting deal. Gracie is great with a paint brush and beside the paint that mama bought not being very good, she made two very pretty pumpkins. She loved the pumpkin insides and stuck her hand in without thinking twice. But the diva still reigns...when she got a speck of paint on her hand she ordered me to wipe it mama, wipe it! When Dave finished her pumplin, Gracie said, "I scarey the pumpkin. The pumpkin scarey you mama?" It was priceless!

Pumpkin Patch

This year we took the kids and Pop Pops to the Leesburg Animal Park featuring Pumpkinville! After the shock of paying 50 bucks for five people (two little ones mind you) wore off, we really did enjoy ourselves. The weather was perfect and the activites were geared towards kids Gracie's age. She enjoyed the moon bounce (I enjoyed it as well until some kid in there was hacking up a lung and I proceeded to RUN back to the car for a huge thing of Germ-X) and the big slide Gracie had a great time.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall for Fairfax

On October 3rd we went to the Fall for Fairfax fair. We all had a great time, even though we were all dressed for the "fall" weather and it seemed as though it was June, not October. Grace experienced her first pony ride and, after some trepidation, seemed to enjoy it.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Gracie and her boops...

This one is rated G, I promise!

Peas please....

John prior to the peas

"What the heck is this mama?"

"Ok, I'll give it a shot!"

And it's love!!!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

John at Five months

What a big boy we have!
Five month stats: