Sunday, October 28, 2007


6 Month Stats:
Weight: 16 pounds, 8 ounces (50th percentile)
Height: 2 feet 1 inch (25 inches, 25th percentile)
Head Cirumference: ? (I can't remember but she in the 95th percentile!!)
She had her 6 month vaccinations and Daddy said she was a real trooper. On Tuesday she ran a fever so Mommy picked her up from school and we took Wednesday off as well just to make sure she was back to her old self. She continues to eat her peas like the pro she is and next week we start on green beans!

More Peas Please

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Meadowlark Gardens

Sunday we took Gracie to Meadowlark Gardens in Vienna. It was a perfect fall day and we were excited to show her all the flowers and the fishys but, as most almost 6 monthers will do, she slept. After about a half hour though she arose from her slumber and began discovering her surroundings. I'm not sure if she was impressed but Mommy and Daddy had fun!

Kisses anyone?

The Lake

Pudgy and her big old head!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we went to the pumpkin patch. We selcted three pumpkins this year; a daddy, a mama, and a baby pumpkin. Sorry Joe, you've been booted. Here are the pictures. Enjoy!

I really hated leaving her this morning...

First of all, she was wearing the cutest little outfit in the world...we ordered these leg warmer things called BabyLegs and they arrived yesterday. To die for. I will post a picture of her in them tonight when I get home. Secondly, she was sleeping like a little angel when I went into the back seat to pick her up. As I was lifting her out of her carseat she woke up, opened her sweet little eyes and gave me the biggest smile. I contemplated calling in sick to work at that very moment. We continued in. When I got to her room, there was another baby girl, probably about Gracie's age but a bit bigger than her (I still can't get over the fact that Grace is little for her age) on the mat doing tummy time. I decided to put Grace down facing her on the mat. Although not a huge fan of tummy time, she's getting the hang of it. The two girls laid there staring at each other smiling away. Gracie even giggled. Come on, does it get any better than that? But, back to reality. Here I sit at my desk, staring a a discipline referral. Student A slapped Student B on the bare back in the locker room, both students thinking it was hillarious, even as they handed me the form. "It's called a five star, cool huh?" No, not cool you little nerds. I love my job.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Adventures in Rice Cereal

Last Saturday, Dave and I started the Pudge on rice cereal. She was confused at first but seemed to take to it pretty well. "Hmm, are you guys sure you know what you're doing?"
"Mama, what is this stuff?

Some of it did actually go done but not much!