Thursday, May 24, 2007

Grace's pseudo birthday

Today is Grace's due date! I'm glad to have not been pregnant up until now! Some people love being pregnant, I"m not one of those people!

Grace and I had a visit from the Lactation Consultant today, or the Lactation Fairy (LF) as I will call her! She was great! She brought nipple shields, syringes, all sorts of great stuff to help us out. We used the nipple shield and Grace latched on like a champ. She really did great. Keeping her awake and interested was a chore but I learned all sorts of tricks. Lifting up her arm ticks her off as well as blowing in her face or placing a wet washcloth on her bare shoulder. It's so ironic b/c I'm doing this for her but the whole time I'm concentrating on making her angry (to keep her awake!) We still have a lot of work to do and I'm not sure if we're going to stick to it but it felt good today. We did it!

Now, like Mommy, Grace is pooped out. Daddy and I discovered that she really does like her swing. Mommy and Daddy like it too!

The Almighty Swing!

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