Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy 1 Month Birthday to Gracie!

Dear Gracie:
What a month it's been. I can't believe you have been with us for that long Grace but I can't remember what life was like before you came. To start with, you entered this world almost a full month early (Mommy was induced b/c of high blood pressure) and with a bang. Mommy had to endure two failed epidurals, a 103 degree fever and some serious rectal pressure (that you will surly hear about for the rest of you life!) but after 16 hours hours of labor the sight of your sweet face made it all worth it.
Minutes after you were born

Mommy and Daddy were both so thrilled that you were here that we laughed and cried! Mommy couldn't believe that she actually did it! The stay in the hospital was good; you had some problems breastfeeding but the nurses ensured us that you had enough calories in reserve to make it two days or so before actually needing food. Mommy was sore so Daddy stepped up to the plate and did all the diaper changes in the hospital, what a trooper! We went home on Sunday, April 29th, a bright warm spring afternoon. Bringing you home was a surreal experience. Daddy drove us home very slowly and cautiously and we made it home in one piece. Mom-Mom was there is welcome us and she stayed with us the first week of your life.
Your first night home was a night of little sleep but once Mommy and Daddy figured out how to place you in your bassinet, you slept wonderfully. From the beginning, we've had to set our alarm clock to wake you up to feed you. We;ve been lucky in the sleep department. Sunday night we noticed that you were a little yellow and Mommy called the doctor. We went into the pedi on Monday morning. She weighed you and you were a teeny peanut at 5 pounds 10 ounces. You were also jaundiced. The doctor had us go to the hospital every day that week to check your biliruben levels. We also were ordered to keep you on a biliruben blanket. You became our little glow worm!
Our little glow-worm

Mommy had a little case of the baby blues but Daddy and Mom Mom helped out and it soon went away. We were all able to enjoy you as family and friends came by to see your sweet face. The jaundice soon went away thanks to the formula we were told to give you. Mommy tried to breastfeed but you were so used to the bottle that you didn't have the patience for the work involved in breast feeding. I wasn't going to give up that easily. Mommy developed a case of mastitis which landed me in the hospital's emergency's room one Saturday night. Daddy was out of town so the family pitched in. Aunt Jen took you to her house and Mom Mom took Momy to the hospital. Once the antibotics kicked in, Mommy decided to give the breast feeding one more good try. We called a lactation consultant and she came in and gave Mommy a lot of techniques and now you are successfully nursing several times a day (with a supplement of formula at night.)

Pop-Pop, Maddie, Gam and Mom-Mom all love you!

Aunt Jen with you in your nursery!

Gracie and Uncle Jimmy

Mommy and Daddy have been learning so much about you. You don't like to be naked (baths, diaper changes) you didn't like the swing at first (now you are in love!) and you love listening to classical music. When Daddy gives you you're 3AM feeding, he plays music for you and you sit with him and eat and drift peacefully back to sleep. It's amazing to see. You now sleep in your nursery all by yourself and just the other night slept a full 5hours before you let us know you were hungry. You are such a good baby.

You have been changing and growing so much over this month Gracie girl. Daddy and I look at you every chance we get and always notice something different. We've seen your smile and heard your little laugh and we are both so in love. We can't wait to see you grow and learn. Is it possible for us to love you even more? Love, Mommy & Daddy

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