Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Announcing Grace Elizabeth Tucholski - Born April 27, 2007 at 11:54 pm

. . . Looking into Daddy's eyes
. . . Daddy's little girl

. . . All wrapped up

. . . Cuddling with Mommy

. . . Is that a smile so early? (Can anyone say "Genius"?)

. . . Our beautiful little Gracie.


sarah said...

She is so beautiful!!! congrats to you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, you two! She is perfect! I love when they have hair at birth; they look so much more like "people." (Ok, that sounds retarded, I know...)

Suzie, call me anytime! (I know you'll be busy as shit, but any questions, feelings, just-want-to-chat...FEEL FREE 703-401-1152.

So happy for you all!
