Monday, May 14, 2007

Two Week Checkup

Grace had her two week checkup with the peditrician on Friday and she did great! Born at 6lb 5oz, she was a little peanut. Then, on April 30th, we took her to the doctors because she was looking a little yellow. Thus began our bout with jaundice and my own personal struggle with breast feeding. Grace was down to a teeny 5lb 10 oz. The doctor recommended that we supplment with formula. I hated to do this but Grace's health was my first priority. Her jaundice is now totally gone and she's back up to her birth weight. The doctor said she looked alert and, although still considered small (she's in the 10 percentile for weight), she is healthy and happy. I am still attempting to breast feed but it ain't easy! She is so used to the bottle now that anything else seems to frusterate both her and me.

Dave and I are thrilled that she's thriving despite her early entrance into this world. It's amazing how quickly everything changes. I can't believe she's only been with for two weeks; I can't remember life without her.

Oh, and I do want to share the whole labor and delivery experience but I can't seem to bring myself to sit down and write it. It wasn't what I expected. I'm being dramatic I know. But you know how women always say that you forget the pain as soon as you see the baby...well, you don't. I remember every second of it. Of course I would do it again and I love my baby but the pain...oh, it's not good! Enjoy some pics!

Ellen and Donna came up to meet Grace!

Here is Grace and her phototherapy blanket. She was our little glow-worm!

Look how teeny she is compared to her Daddy!!

Is this bath really neccesary?!?!?

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