Saturday, March 29, 2008

11 Months (+2 days but who's counting?!?!)

Grace's 11 month birthday kind of crept up on me. After Jen' s wedding, spring break, and busily planning for Grace's first birthday I almost forgot about the all important 11 month marker!
Grace is changing so much everyday. She still hasn't taken any steps on her own but I'm ok with that. She is completely mobile, moving around from one end of the living room to the other, almost always ending up with a dog toy in her mouth. Gross. Grace (we're trying soo hard now to STOP calling her Pudgie) still only has her bottom two teeth that she worked so hard to get but the top two aren't far behind. This doesn't stop her from eating anything and everything, she's obviously just like her daddy. Her favorite food right now is the good old fashioned processed yellow (orange) American cheese. Despite my attempt to make her a more "worldly" eater, exposing her to guacamole, hummus, and avocado (that's worldly for me ok), she goes right for the old standby, the cheese. Good news, she has an aversion to peeps. I'm not sure if it's the sweetness or the new texture, but she's not a big fan. Give her a few years and I'm sure the Zier side of the family will fix that. We have had our fair share of health "crisis", from vomiting non stop to constant ear infections. I'm hoping a fresh new pair of tubes (surgery date set for April 8) and the warmness of the spring will put a stop to it.
But for now, as always, her she is. Looking less like a Pudgie and more like beautiful Grace everyday.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jen's Wedding Weekend

Grace wasn't there and I know this is her blog but it was an exciting time for the whole family! Isn't my sissy beautiful!!!

Grace has her own fun however with the Eley/Grossman clan!

Gracie and Lauren, fast friends!
Of course Auntie Lauren spoiled me with books!
Gracie and Mama Eley visiting a Borders to meet award winning author Jodi PicholetGracie and Big Age! Lauren called me Saturday morning to tell me there was a problem. That problem, Grace was in love with Big Age!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday Morning Breakfast

Grace has been eating table food for the past couple of weeks now and she's getting very good it. We have started her on the school menu at her daycare and she has eaten spaghetti, french toast, peas, yogurt, cheese, and even Sloppy Joe's (not sure if I like that one so we are being a more picky now with what we want her to eat)! This morning I decided to make a nice big breakfast and for the first time Gracie got her own little plate of exactly what Mommy and Daddy were eating.

Don't worry, the plate was just for the photo op! As you can see, she's getting excited!

"Do you mind Mama, I want to eat in peace!"