Wednesday, February 27, 2008

10 Months

Pudgie is 10 months old today. 10 months. That's pretty old. As I was taking some pictures of her this evening, I noticed that she is looking more and more like a little girl and less like a little baby. Tonight we had to move her crib mattress down several notches because last night she fussed a bit after I put her to bed (which is so unusual) so I went in to see her pulling herself up on the rails and her little face hanging over the edge. Whoa. She is eating sooo much more now; Cherrios, french toast, eggs, bananas, and all of her yummy baby food. She is healthy, at least for the time being. Last week she stopped eating for four days (she still had her formula no problem) and we (the doctor) discovered that she had another raging ear infection. We took her to a specialist and finally decided to do the tubes. The poor little thing failed her hearing test, she hears like you do when you're under water. Poor thing. Despite all this, she is growing and changing and growing more and more wonderful every day! Enjoy!

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