I can't seem to relax. When I was younger, I was a bit of a slob (no comments from the family please). My parents made me clean my room and I did. But it was never really clean. When I went to college, I recall having to walk over mounds of "stuff" just to make it to my bed. It was pretty bad. When I graduated and began my adult life, I was still a slob but I would like to believe that it was to a lesser degree. The mounds were smaller and full of nicer things. But, there were still mounds of stuff everywhere.
Until now. I have two small children and they come with a lot of stuff. They have toys and clothes and sippy cups and carseats and stickers (I actually went to the store yesterday with a sticker on my head). All this stuff needs to be put away. The clothes and sippys need to be washed. THESE THINGS MUST GET DONE PEOPLE. THEY MUST!!!!!
Or what, Susan? What? Will some horrible cosmic event occur if you don't vacuum the living room floor? Will the dishes in the sink go on strike and disappear to picket their ill treatment? No you nerd. So just relax.
Wow, I somehow feel more relaxed. Maybe I need to write more. Thanks for listening.
Oh, here are some recent pictures of the kids and our summer of fun 2010!!!