We're a beginning to fall into a pretty good routine with Baby John. During the day, he sleeps and eats and is generally a good partner in crime at Target or the mall. He waits until his Papa and Gracie get home around 6 to get fussy. Of course this a busy time with a hungry two-year-old (not to mention a hungry 30 year old!) and makes for quite the juggling act between mom and dad. Some nights, John will eat straight from about 7 until 10. I mean no stopping..."Refill please sir!" style. Who knows how many ounces this boy consumes during that time. Dave is "in charge" during this time and I usually relax and clean up from the day. Dave puts John to "bed" (his carseat...I know, I know) by 10:30 and he usually goes until either 3AM or 5AM...he rarely strays from his these times. I looked back at Gracie's section of the blog from this time and she was already sleeping through the night (until about6) by this time but I still consider us lucky. It could be a lot worse.
John is starting to smile and look at me when I talk to him. It's amazing how big is is already (10.88...a mother shouldn't by a baby scale...I weigh him everyday) I've already had to put away all of the newborn clothes. I am relieved b/c Gracie was so small for so long that I may actually a chunker on my hands!!!! Enjoy the ramdom pics!

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