Time sure does fly...John is two months old!!! Our doctors appointment is Wednesday so I'll be sure to come back and post those stats! John is growing like a weed. Unlike his sister, he has already outgrown most of his newborn clothes and is fitting comforably into his 0-3's. He is talking up a storm and easily recognizes our voices...even Gracies! Today we were playing on the floor and he followed one of his toys like a pro. He has been sleeping through the night steadily for about a week now. Dave gives him his last feeding around 9:30 and he sleeps until about 5 or 6AM. Can't complain about that.
I have been back at work to help close things up for the last week and John has been staying with his Aunt Jen and cousin Ella. I think they are really starting to like one another!
2 month pics!

John and Baby Ella
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