Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Frying Pan Farm Park
As a mother of two young kids, I am always trying to find something fun to do. As a mother who is currently without a paycheck, those things must also be cheap! I was over on my Facebook page and saw some pictures of some friends with their kids at Frying Pan Farm Park. Grace has been really into animals so this was worth a shot. The weather on Saturday was amazing so we packed up and drove to Herndon. The really great thing about the "farm" is that it's not big at all so it's perfect for a little 2 year old. There aren't an over abundance of animals, activites, or people. Gracie loved checking out the chickens and the horses. John sort of just hung out with me while Grace and Papa ran around. It was a really great day!
Grace and Papa

She loved the tractor

Looking at the horses

Baby John getting ready to go!!!!
Grace and Papa
She loved the tractor
Looking at the horses
Baby John getting ready to go!!!!
2 months already!
Time sure does fly...John is two months old!!! Our doctors appointment is Wednesday so I'll be sure to come back and post those stats! John is growing like a weed. Unlike his sister, he has already outgrown most of his newborn clothes and is fitting comforably into his 0-3's. He is talking up a storm and easily recognizes our voices...even Gracies! Today we were playing on the floor and he followed one of his toys like a pro. He has been sleeping through the night steadily for about a week now. Dave gives him his last feeding around 9:30 and he sleeps until about 5 or 6AM. Can't complain about that.
I have been back at work to help close things up for the last week and John has been staying with his Aunt Jen and cousin Ella. I think they are really starting to like one another!
2 month pics!

John and Baby Ella
I have been back at work to help close things up for the last week and John has been staying with his Aunt Jen and cousin Ella. I think they are really starting to like one another!
2 month pics!
John and Baby Ella

Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Baby John-7 Weeks
We're a beginning to fall into a pretty good routine with Baby John. During the day, he sleeps and eats and is generally a good partner in crime at Target or the mall. He waits until his Papa and Gracie get home around 6 to get fussy. Of course this a busy time with a hungry two-year-old (not to mention a hungry 30 year old!) and makes for quite the juggling act between mom and dad. Some nights, John will eat straight from about 7 until 10. I mean no stopping..."Refill please sir!" style. Who knows how many ounces this boy consumes during that time. Dave is "in charge" during this time and I usually relax and clean up from the day. Dave puts John to "bed" (his carseat...I know, I know) by 10:30 and he usually goes until either 3AM or 5AM...he rarely strays from his these times. I looked back at Gracie's section of the blog from this time and she was already sleeping through the night (until about6) by this time but I still consider us lucky. It could be a lot worse.
John is starting to smile and look at me when I talk to him. It's amazing how big is is already (10.88...a mother shouldn't by a baby scale...I weigh him everyday) I've already had to put away all of the newborn clothes. I am relieved b/c Gracie was so small for so long that I may actually a chunker on my hands!!!! Enjoy the ramdom pics!

John is starting to smile and look at me when I talk to him. It's amazing how big is is already (10.88...a mother shouldn't by a baby scale...I weigh him everyday) I've already had to put away all of the newborn clothes. I am relieved b/c Gracie was so small for so long that I may actually a chunker on my hands!!!! Enjoy the ramdom pics!

Gracie's Second Birthday
Gracie's second birthday went by this year without much celebration due mostly to the fact that I was in the hospital giving birth to her little brother! I really did feel bad about this and I know the kids will probably HATE IT when their older and have to share the same birthday. I especially hated having to miss her birthday. Aunt Tracey and Uncle Bill along with her cousins Alex, Ryan and Zach threw her an inpromptu party. Bill just brought the pics over this week so here they are! Oh, and her two year stats:
Height--33 inches

Height--33 inches

Monday, June 15, 2009
Tucholski Family VIsit
Dave's parents came to VA for a visit this past weekend. The festivites were centered around cousin Alex's high school graduation! Way to go Alex! We are all happy for him but there is one person who is especially smitten and that Gracie. She loves Alex. She wants him to hold her, feed her, anything. Alex can do no wrong.

Nana and Grandpa were thrilled to meet baby John and play with little Gracie. She warmed up to them quickly and even read Grandpa a book!

Nana and Grandpa were thrilled to meet baby John and play with little Gracie. She warmed up to them quickly and even read Grandpa a book!

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