Grace (24 months)
27.6 lbs (50th percentile)
33 1/4 inches (30th percentile)
John (2weeks)
7 1/2 lbs (25th percentile)
21 1/4 inches (89th percentile, I think this is a little off)
The pedi was very impressed with Gracie's speech and her outgoing personality. SHe is up to date on all her shots and is really doing great. We are going to hopefully transfer to the toddler bed soon and then begin potty training. The doctor assured us that there isn't a real rush to do either.
John's appointment was also good. His belly button feel out and there was a little stuff in it that the doctor had to clean out. And, he may have an outtie! SHe was happy with his weight gain, alhtough he is still undoubtedly a peanut! This go around has been a lot easier for all of us and I attribute that to not putting too much pressure on myself to breast fed. We tried for about a week and it just didn't work. With Grace, I kept pushing myself and I'm sure that added to my baby blues. This time, we went quickly to the formula and he is doing just great. We don't go back to the doctor until his 2 month visit.
Here are some recent pictures of both kids!!! Enjoy!
John on his changing table!!! He looks so tiny!
Grace and John. SO precious!
Playing with her water and sand activity table! I big hit!
My new bikini!!!
Gracie watching 101 Dalmations...thanks Aunt Sissy and Uncle Greg!
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