John Evan is one month old today. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a month!
John was born several weeks early just like his sister. But unlike his sister, the labor was so much easier!!!! (thank you God!) We started the induction with pitcoin at 1PM and by 3 I was about 3 cm dilated. At 5 o’clock I was about 5 cm and they decided to break my water. Up until that point I hadn’t felt much of anything (thank you epidural!). I started to feel a ton of pressure and by 6 o’clock I was a full 10 cm. I pushed for about 20 minutes and then John made his appearance. He was born looking up toward the ceiling, which is why the pushing took a while! The nurses were so excited and one actually grabbed our camera and began taking picture of John before he was even all t he way out! No matter how many children you have their birth is always special. This one was of course bittersweet without my mom here. Everything in life is that way…I find myself thinking how excited she would have been to see John’s birth or how proud she would have been of Gracie for being such a super big sister. Hopefully she can see all of this from where she is.
John came home and his introduction to Gracie went perfectly. We tried breastfeeding but ran across the same problems as those I had with Grace so we all decided it would be best to go straight to formula. John has been a real eater and it already up to 8 pounds 5 ounces! What a piggy! During the day he eats 4 ounces every three hours until Dave gets home. From about 7 until 11 PM all he wants to do is eat! They call it cluster feeding…I call it a pain in the butt!!!! He eats and eats and then sleeps from about 11:30 until 3AM. I feed him at 3 and then he goes back to sleep until 6:30-7. Adjusting to the little amounts of sleeps or interrupted sleep is difficult. Dave has been back to work for a while and despite the fact that I do the 3AM feedings he still isn’t getting enough sleep. I don’t foresee it taking too long for John to sleep through the night, knock on wood!
Gracie has been such a joy to watch this past month. She comes home from school and it immediately looking for “baby John”! She loves to kiss him and help mommy feed him. Whenever she sees his paci or one of his toys lying around she runs right up to him and puts it right in his face!!! A bit of a problem but we are teaching her to be gentle with the baby. When I look at John I see so much of Gracie in him yet he’s got his own little personality too. When he’s eating he’ll start to grin and when he sleeps I’ve heard him laugh. He has an easygoing personality thus far and only cries when he’s hungry. He’s a great pooper and always waits to poop until right after I’ve changed him! It’s been a bit of an adjustment getting used to changing his diapers and the hazards that entails but I think I’m finally starting to get used to it.
Dave and I are thrilled that our little buddy is here and I’m so excite to see him grow and become his own little man! But I hope he doesn’t do it too fast, Mama loves snuggling with him all day long!!!!
Fun artistic shot!
Isn't he sweet!
Gam and John
1 comment:
Sue-Doo, he looks JUST LIKE YOU! It is unbelievable!!!
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