We arrived right on time and were sure the fussing would begin as soon as she woke up. Remember, our cubby little Pudgie hadn’t eaten breakfast. I’m assuming this facility has had its fair share of screaming, starving, irritable infants because they had an awesome distraction in place. A huge fish tank. Gracie made quite the commotion banging on the fish tank, literally laughing out loud, and trying to keep up with the fishy's as they fled quickly, fearing they were under attack. Sidenote, you know all the signs up at the zoo, DO NOT TAP ON THE GLASS, DO NOT DISTURB THE ANIMALS...I don't think my daughter will work for PETA but I digress.
After playing with the fishy, we were herded up stairs to the next waiting area. Jen had arrived with our Starbucks but only 2 were allowed upstairs to the "high security waiting area" and therefore, much to my horror, my grande skim 3 Splenda latte was dumped into the sink. We waited upstairs were Gracie crawled all over the place, looked up at the other kids and smiled. Dave and I were totally amazed that she wasn't completly melting me. That would be my role for the day! The anesthesiologist met with us and talked about the procedure. I was glad to hear that she wouldn't have an IV but just a little bit of gas to put her to sleep. Next up, we were called back to the pre-op area. The nurse was wicked nice and gave Gracie a stuffed monkey which of course made her giggle! Her fingers are so little that it took a minute to get her BP and heartrate but Grace was calm and it was done in no time. Oh, and the cutest part was Gracie's little hospital gown. It was the smallest one they had and it was literally hanging off of her. I wish I had a camera phone (damn you Blackberry!) to capture her cutness. We waited yet again in a paly area with a bunch of other little kids. Grace hadn't fussed the entire time and Dave and I were completly dumbfounded by it. I had my scrubs on as well b/c I was going to take her back into the OR.
This is the funny part. Me, who cried like a baby watching Idol Gives Back, cried at my wedding and my sisters wedding (I mean hysterical cries) and cried yesterday when I hit a squireel, deicded that I have to be strong for my daughter and take her back. Silly mommy.
I walked her back where the table was waiting along with the doctor and several nurses. I laid her down and took her binkie out of her mouth. She laid there perfectly still as they put the mask on her face and I rubbed her cheek. She didn't stuggle with the excpetion of one little kick before she fell asleep. I gave her a kiss and then turned to walk away. My lip started shaking and I turned to look back on more time but the nurse put her arm around me and led me out. Then I lost it. I knew she was going to be ok but I couldn't help but feeling helpless and wishing that it was me on the table. How dramtic of me. This is literally a 4 minutes surgery.
By the time I reached the consultation room were Dave was waiting, I was almost done crying. He hugged me and I dried the tears. Then, the doctor came in. Seriously about 5 minutes after I left the OR. He said she did fine and that there was a lot of thick fluid in her ears but that she was as good as new.
Dave and I went to the recovery room and a nurse brought the baby in. She was a little fussy but we had a bottle ready for her and we sat. As she was eating she began to wake up. I wanted to get her back into her clothes and when Jen came down and I gave Gracie to her to hold. She was smiling again. She was fine!! It was amazing how quickly she recovered. She drank the bottle so quick and was in such a good mood that we decided to take her to McDonald's for a celebatory breakfast! One whole pancake and several eggs later, we headed home. And, true to her form, she was a happy baby for the rest of the day. Here's the proof:

2 hours after surgery

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