Today is a teacher workday and one of the perks of being is Dean is not having to do any grading so I do have some time on my hands! I decided to compile a list of Gracie's likes and dislikes at 11 months old!
- American cheese-she doesn't like it, she loves it!
- Stuffed animals-she hugs 'em and just giggles
- Being held upside down by her feet (it sounds dangerous but it's not!)
- Being held (she has become quite the clingy baby the last couple of week)
- Making "cool" noises with her mouth
- Watching Joe the Dog run around in the yard-she waves her hands around and giggles
- Drinking V8Fusion Juice from her sippy cup-ever since she was sick she has had an aversion to apple juice so we tried the V8 and she loves it
- Baths-again, she waves her hands and giggles
- Looking in the mirrior (she is her mother's daughter afterall:)
- Remote controls, CD's, tv speakers-pretty much anything electonic that isn't hers!!!!
- Riding in the car listening to the classical music station-this probably stems from when I was pregnant and David made me listen to it
- being outside
- getting dressed-you've never seen her scream and cry like when I'm trying to put her arms though a sleeve
- eardrop/eyedrops-for obvious reasons
- Dave's punching bag in the basement-it's weird, she grabs onto me so tight when we walk by the stupid thing
- I really can't think of anything else she doesn't like! There must be something else?!?!?!
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