The mall yesterday was interesting. When I arrived, Grace was ready to eat. My sister and I a pretty patheic in that we have a serious mall routine. We meet in the food court, I feed Grace while Jen goes to get her lunch, Jen continues to feed Grace while I get my lunch, we all finish eating and then head to Nordstrom to change the baby. Those of you with children or a serious problem with public restrooms will understand this. Nordstrom took some serious time designing thier bathrooms and just as much time keeping it clean. I really don't like to change Grace on those nasty old plastic changing stations. My dear baby's derriere is placed on a squeshy soft sofa (of course I use a changing pad but you get the idea). Also, I do realize that at a certain time (when baby #2 comes along) that my discerning bathroom tastes will be tested and I will change my baby on any old nasty poop stained changing table. Ok, back to yesterday. Jen changed the baby and she was cooing and everything was totally fine. Then, out of no where, she started wailing! Ok, she just ate, had a two hour morning nap, and was just changed. What is going on. I held her, kissed her, shh-ed her and finally Jen suggested that she might be tired. Honestly people, she had probably only been awake for a total of an hour all day (is was about 2PM) but I decided to swaddle her. Well, it worked. I gave her her binks and put he in hr stroller and she fell fast asleep. And she slept for the remainder of the shopping day. Phew, we felt much better. Oh, and kudos to Nordstrom. I should send a thank you letter; even though we had a bad experience there yesterday, we have spent many a days hanging out in there!
Last night, Dave and I got quite a scare. He put the baby to bed as normal without any issues. Then around 1AM, she started crying. I went to her and put the binks in her mouth. She was fine for a few minutes and then started crying again. It might not sound bad but she has been sleeping peacefully for the past 2 months so this was a surprise. Dave freaked out. "Oh my God, what if she doesn't sleep anymore!? What are we going to do??!! I thought she was taking after me. Turns out she's just like you!!!" I ignored the last comment and told Dave to give her the binkie. He went in, reswaddled, reset the binks, and we didn't hear another peep until 6:45. Again, phew.
So, thank you for the advice about Gracie. I really think she may just need to get into a routine. I will attempt to put her down for a nap this morning (yesterday it worked well, but I did haveto wake her up to go to the mall. I know, it was stupid!) and again this afternoon. Hopefully that will help.
On a good note, she is the sweetest baby first thing in the morning. I love to talk and play with her during this time. We do love her so much!!! Enjoy!
She has discovered her image in the mirror and she likes it!
See Mom, I can still smile!
Look at me holding up my head! (With a little help from the pillow!)
Mom, time for a diaper change! (I know its not the classiest pic but how cute!)
1 comment:
Hey Sueeee, sorry to hear about the crying spells. Check her bottom gum for a white spot. Have you uped her feeding amount lately? Our ped recommends about 1/2 their weight in ounces in each bottle = 10 lbs = 5oz in the bottle. Good luck :)
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