Ok so yesterday Dave and I made another trip to BabiesRUs to get the latest and greatest baby toy. I wanted to get Grace an exersaucer. It is suggested to start using this product at 4 months but, like with the Bumpo, I figured we could start it a couple weeks earlier to get the most out of it. Like so many of these cool contraptions, there is a very limited time that the babies can fit/use these toys. After looking at the pictures of the girl on the box, the choice was clear. We purchased the Baby Einstein Discover and Play. There are so many neat activites for the babies to do, noises, even a mirror! I was soo excited about it...we put it together (by we I mean Dave) right away. Well, I want my money back. You'll see why. Please note Exhibit A: The girl on the box:

Please note Exhibit B: My baby:

Using it to suck on!

Ok, this might be ok. If I can keep my head up!

Nevermind, this isn't working!
The difference is clear!
I know she is still a bit too young for the exersaucer (her feet don't even touch the ground!)and I'm sure when she's old enough she will love it!!! Dave has to remind me that Grace was a month early and she therefore is 4 weeks behind other babies her age. The pedi assured us that by one year old, she will no longer be "behind" other babies. I don't know why I'm in such a hurry for her to grow up.
But, she is. This morning I took out the inserts in her car seat. Grace was thrilled!

She is also crusin' in the Bjorn, facing outward. She loves it!

1 comment:
The picture of Grace facedown on the edge of the toy makes me laugh every time I see it. Thanks.
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