The blog isn't the only thing that has changed. Every time I look at Grace, she's saying something new, walking a little different, or just acting more grown. She talks CONSTANTLY; her newest saying, "Oh my gosh" (with some sort of Jersey accent!) or "You're ok baby John, Mama's coming!"
We put her in a big girl bed on June 28th and she has been sleeping soundly in it without a problem ever since. Well, there was one night when we heard and thud followed by screaming. Dave went up to check out the damage and she had indeed fallen off the bed and scraped up her elbow pretty bad. But, like most toddlers, after snuggling with her papa for a few minutes she forgot about it and actually climbed right back into her bed. The next morning I asked her what happened and she said, rather grown up like, "I fall out of my new bed!" And then proceeded to squish up her face and show me her elbow. Still, a week later when you ask her about her new bed she shows you her elbow!
We took Gracie back to the pedi last week b/c she was tugging on her ear. Sure enough her tube fell out and she still had an ear infection despite the antibiotics we had given her. I'm afraid we're going to have to put the tube back in.
For the 4th of July this year we visited the Eley/Grossmans's in Vienna and then went to the festival in the Plains for games, fun and fireworks. Seeing Lauren and her family was a real treat. As I walked up the path to her house carrying a baby in one hand followed by another child and my husband, it was surreal. Lauren and I basically grew up together and her house served as the center of things. Getting ready to go to Fridays, waiting for a boy to call, typical teenage girl stuff. Now here I was with my family!! We had a great visit with baby Dane and had some time to catch up and chat!
After Gracie’s nap we headed to the Plains for a festival. Gracie and Baby John were such troopers. Neither one were afraid of the fireworks. Gracie sat on her papa’s lap (of course) and he kept his arms tight around her. When he reached for his drink Gracie quickly put his arm back in place. She whined a little at first but was soon asking for more! John was awake for the show and I swear he was looking at ‘em! Getting out of the parking lot took about an hour and we didn’t get home and the kids to bed until around 11. Gracie has NEVER been up that late. But, as luck would have it they both slept in until almost 9 the next morning. That was my 4th of July present!
Gracie's Big Girl Bed!!!

Lauren with the three kids!
Ok so Mama forgot to pack a bib for Gracie!
Gracie(thank you so much Lauren, love this pic!)
Grossman/Tucholski Clans
Boy have times changed! Now we're holding babies instead of well....what did we used to hold?!?
Baby Dane and Baby John
Gracie and Baby Dane
1 comment:
Beer and Boone's Farm bottles! That's what we used to hold! That and those great big flip cell phones....acting like we were all cool with our poofed out bangs!! I am sure there were other things....
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