She did it!!! I had just finished giving Gracie a bath and she was running around naked while I looked for her nightgown. As she was playing, she said that she had to go potty. I asked her if she wanted to go pee pee on the potty and she said yes!!! We only have one potty (I will fix that tomorrow!) so I called downstairs to Dave to bring up the potty, stat! As he was scrambling, Gracie said she really had to go potty and she peed on the carpet. I didn't want to scold her because it was us that wasn't ready, it wasn't her fault. Dave ran up with the potty, we put her little tush right on it, and she finished her buisness!!!! Yeah Gracie!
After she was done Dave and I applauded like idiots and I ran downstairs to get her a sticker and a cookie. (I polished off the M&M's a while wonder I now have a wieght loss blog!) She was so proud of herself!
My plan is to start hardcore potty training this Saturday because she has been showing all the signs for a while now. That is a long involved process but according to the all knowing Dr. Phil, it can be done in one day. All you need are big girl undies, a doll that pees, oh, and a lot of liquid!!! Hopefully Saturday will go well for our big girl!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
3 Month Update
John is now 3 months old! He is a big boy, weighing in at 13.8 pounds! He has graduated into his 3/6 months clothes and is wearing size 2/3 diapers! He has begun smiling and cooing all the time. When I sing to him he sings right back to me! His schedule is becoming a bit more predictable. He sleeps from about 10PM until 7AM. I feed him around 7:30 and he's back asleep at 8. He will usually got for a couple more hours, giving Mama time to clean up and shower! After a 10:30 feeding, we get dressed and head out for our daily errands of which he is WIDE AWAKE for. We went through about a 2 week period where he hated the car but he seems to have gotten over that, thank goodness. He is usually up all afternoon until dinner time when he snoozes! When Gracie gets home she always runs to baby John and gives him a ton of kisses.
I think we've finally adjusted to life with 2 kids. It wasn't easy but we're making it work! Enjoy the pics of my sweet little man!

I think we've finally adjusted to life with 2 kids. It wasn't easy but we're making it work! Enjoy the pics of my sweet little man!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Shoe shopping
Grace has had the same old pair of Crocs for about 2 years now. She hasn't been wearing them for that long but when she was only a couple of months old I bought the smallest size they made, 4/5. Here she is sportin' the crocs last summer:

And here she is just last week:

I think we've gotten our moneys worth out of them!
Wednesday I went to the mall with my dad and decided it was time for Gracie to get a new pair of shoes. I love the Crocs because she can put them on herself and they also hold up really well! I was planning on buying her the same pair just in a bigger size. Boring, I know. When we got to Nordstrom, however, I noticed the cutest little pair of Croc ballet type shoes. Loved it!
The one of the left in the pic:

My most impressive purchase of the week came yesterday when I went to Ross. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and since we're broke (I've been going without a paycheck for about 3 months now!) I thought discount shopping was the only answer. I went into Ross not looking for anything in particular. I didn't dare try on any clothes for myself (Jenny Craig here I come) so after wandering around a bit I ended up in the kids department. Shopping for girls is so much more enjoyable than shopping for boys; or at least this is what I thought until I found these gems:

How cute are they!!!?? And a bargin at 10 bucks each!
Gracie got her new shoes on Wednesday. She doesn't have to get something everytime John does. Right? Wrong. When I showed them to her last night, she stated, "My shoes. I put them on right now!" (Latley everything has to happen RIGHT NOW!) I told her that her feet were tooo big for the shoes. I guess she thinks I'm a liar, she had to try them on for herself. When the shoe only fit on her big toe, that was proof enough. Next she looked at baby John's feet, then back at the shoes. What happened next?

Poor baby John, destined for a life of being dressed up(and wiped) by a bunch of girls!

They sure are sweet!

And here she is just last week:

I think we've gotten our moneys worth out of them!
Wednesday I went to the mall with my dad and decided it was time for Gracie to get a new pair of shoes. I love the Crocs because she can put them on herself and they also hold up really well! I was planning on buying her the same pair just in a bigger size. Boring, I know. When we got to Nordstrom, however, I noticed the cutest little pair of Croc ballet type shoes. Loved it!
The one of the left in the pic:

My most impressive purchase of the week came yesterday when I went to Ross. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and since we're broke (I've been going without a paycheck for about 3 months now!) I thought discount shopping was the only answer. I went into Ross not looking for anything in particular. I didn't dare try on any clothes for myself (Jenny Craig here I come) so after wandering around a bit I ended up in the kids department. Shopping for girls is so much more enjoyable than shopping for boys; or at least this is what I thought until I found these gems:

How cute are they!!!?? And a bargin at 10 bucks each!
Gracie got her new shoes on Wednesday. She doesn't have to get something everytime John does. Right? Wrong. When I showed them to her last night, she stated, "My shoes. I put them on right now!" (Latley everything has to happen RIGHT NOW!) I told her that her feet were tooo big for the shoes. I guess she thinks I'm a liar, she had to try them on for herself. When the shoe only fit on her big toe, that was proof enough. Next she looked at baby John's feet, then back at the shoes. What happened next?

Poor baby John, destined for a life of being dressed up(and wiped) by a bunch of girls!

They sure are sweet!

Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Movie Time!!!
Today we all headed to the movies! There is a theater in Ashburn that shows kids movies FREE in the summertime at 10AM! Aunt Jen and Ella joined us for what was Gracies, John's and Ella's first movie!
This appealed to me becuase number 1, it's FREE. Number 2, it's obviously kid friendly. So if Grace decided she hated it or John wanted to scream and vomit all over the place, well, they wouldn't be the only ones. But, to my suprise and amazement, all of our kids were great! Gracie actually sat for the entire duration of Horton Hears a Who (thanks to her Aunt Sissy and her kids' meal). Ella and John were awake the majority of the time and both seemed to be "watching" it.
All and all, a fantastic summer day!

This appealed to me becuase number 1, it's FREE. Number 2, it's obviously kid friendly. So if Grace decided she hated it or John wanted to scream and vomit all over the place, well, they wouldn't be the only ones. But, to my suprise and amazement, all of our kids were great! Gracie actually sat for the entire duration of Horton Hears a Who (thanks to her Aunt Sissy and her kids' meal). Ella and John were awake the majority of the time and both seemed to be "watching" it.
All and all, a fantastic summer day!

Friday, July 10, 2009
Just like his daddy....
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
I've been at this blog thing for a while now...about three years so I thought it about time to change the layout. There are several blogs that I try to read each day and FortyFive Degrees had a link to a website that customizes blogs. Thanks Sarah! So, what do you all think? Oh, here's her website and it's super easy to change things up, oh, and FREE!!!
The blog isn't the only thing that has changed. Every time I look at Grace, she's saying something new, walking a little different, or just acting more grown. She talks CONSTANTLY; her newest saying, "Oh my gosh" (with some sort of Jersey accent!) or "You're ok baby John, Mama's coming!"
We put her in a big girl bed on June 28th and she has been sleeping soundly in it without a problem ever since. Well, there was one night when we heard and thud followed by screaming. Dave went up to check out the damage and she had indeed fallen off the bed and scraped up her elbow pretty bad. But, like most toddlers, after snuggling with her papa for a few minutes she forgot about it and actually climbed right back into her bed. The next morning I asked her what happened and she said, rather grown up like, "I fall out of my new bed!" And then proceeded to squish up her face and show me her elbow. Still, a week later when you ask her about her new bed she shows you her elbow!
We took Gracie back to the pedi last week b/c she was tugging on her ear. Sure enough her tube fell out and she still had an ear infection despite the antibiotics we had given her. I'm afraid we're going to have to put the tube back in.
For the 4th of July this year we visited the Eley/Grossmans's in Vienna and then went to the festival in the Plains for games, fun and fireworks. Seeing Lauren and her family was a real treat. As I walked up the path to her house carrying a baby in one hand followed by another child and my husband, it was surreal. Lauren and I basically grew up together and her house served as the center of things. Getting ready to go to Fridays, waiting for a boy to call, typical teenage girl stuff. Now here I was with my family!! We had a great visit with baby Dane and had some time to catch up and chat!
After Gracie’s nap we headed to the Plains for a festival. Gracie and Baby John were such troopers. Neither one were afraid of the fireworks. Gracie sat on her papa’s lap (of course) and he kept his arms tight around her. When he reached for his drink Gracie quickly put his arm back in place. She whined a little at first but was soon asking for more! John was awake for the show and I swear he was looking at ‘em! Getting out of the parking lot took about an hour and we didn’t get home and the kids to bed until around 11. Gracie has NEVER been up that late. But, as luck would have it they both slept in until almost 9 the next morning. That was my 4th of July present!
Gracie's Big Girl Bed!!!

Lauren with the three kids!

Ok so Mama forgot to pack a bib for Gracie!

Gracie(thank you so much Lauren, love this pic!)

Grossman/Tucholski Clans

Boy have times changed! Now we're holding babies instead of well....what did we used to hold?!?

Baby Dane and Baby John

Gracie and Baby Dane
The blog isn't the only thing that has changed. Every time I look at Grace, she's saying something new, walking a little different, or just acting more grown. She talks CONSTANTLY; her newest saying, "Oh my gosh" (with some sort of Jersey accent!) or "You're ok baby John, Mama's coming!"
We put her in a big girl bed on June 28th and she has been sleeping soundly in it without a problem ever since. Well, there was one night when we heard and thud followed by screaming. Dave went up to check out the damage and she had indeed fallen off the bed and scraped up her elbow pretty bad. But, like most toddlers, after snuggling with her papa for a few minutes she forgot about it and actually climbed right back into her bed. The next morning I asked her what happened and she said, rather grown up like, "I fall out of my new bed!" And then proceeded to squish up her face and show me her elbow. Still, a week later when you ask her about her new bed she shows you her elbow!
We took Gracie back to the pedi last week b/c she was tugging on her ear. Sure enough her tube fell out and she still had an ear infection despite the antibiotics we had given her. I'm afraid we're going to have to put the tube back in.
For the 4th of July this year we visited the Eley/Grossmans's in Vienna and then went to the festival in the Plains for games, fun and fireworks. Seeing Lauren and her family was a real treat. As I walked up the path to her house carrying a baby in one hand followed by another child and my husband, it was surreal. Lauren and I basically grew up together and her house served as the center of things. Getting ready to go to Fridays, waiting for a boy to call, typical teenage girl stuff. Now here I was with my family!! We had a great visit with baby Dane and had some time to catch up and chat!
After Gracie’s nap we headed to the Plains for a festival. Gracie and Baby John were such troopers. Neither one were afraid of the fireworks. Gracie sat on her papa’s lap (of course) and he kept his arms tight around her. When he reached for his drink Gracie quickly put his arm back in place. She whined a little at first but was soon asking for more! John was awake for the show and I swear he was looking at ‘em! Getting out of the parking lot took about an hour and we didn’t get home and the kids to bed until around 11. Gracie has NEVER been up that late. But, as luck would have it they both slept in until almost 9 the next morning. That was my 4th of July present!
Gracie's Big Girl Bed!!!

Lauren with the three kids!
Ok so Mama forgot to pack a bib for Gracie!
Gracie(thank you so much Lauren, love this pic!)
Grossman/Tucholski Clans
Boy have times changed! Now we're holding babies instead of well....what did we used to hold?!?
Baby Dane and Baby John
Gracie and Baby Dane
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