In other news, Dave and I have decided to return to the world of the hip and adventurous! Hmm, returning denotes that we were once there…not sure if we could classified as hip or in any way adventurous but I digress… we have decided that it’s time to HIRE A REAL LIFE BABYSITTER! Sure we have left Gracie for an evening or two but it has always been in the care of my parents or my sister; never with anyone unrelated. As we fall into a constant routine, Dave and I find that, while there is comfort in the routine, it also leads to extreme boredom and monotony. We find ourselves longing to go to dinner, visit a friend, or just have some time to ourselves. Although Jen and Mom and Dad are great, we decided that we need to have a babysitter who lives close by that we can call on when we need to get out. I searched on Criagslist and even went to (who, by the way, wanted $119 to join to view their sitters) but I wasn’t happy with what I found. I mean, this person is going to be alone in my house with my child, this is a huge responsibility not to be trusted to just anyone, right?!?! Then, it hit me.
About 10 years ago, my sister started to babysat a little girl, Lilly. Jen and I took turns watching her and then, while I was in college, I was a nanny for her all summer. I ran into her and her mother at Giant Food a couple of months back and Lilly is, (gasp!) 14!!! I couldn’t believe it, she is taller than me. So this morning I emailed her mother and asked if Lilly babysat. She was thrilled that I sent the email and Lilly and Grace are going to finally meet! The kicker? Lilly lives one block away!! Yippee!!! Salvation!!! Dinner and drinks with my husband, playdates for Mommy and Daddy. I’m thrilled!
I am THRILLED beyond belief that Grace is getting really good wear out of her Lilly Dress (bubble suit!) I LOVE IT!!! I am going to have to find more of those for her!! What size is she in now??
She does love it! And it looks so much cuter on her now that she's standing up. She's still in 12-18 month stuff and would love more presents from her Auntie Lauren!
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