Gracie has been enjoying her relaxed summer schedule. Although Mommy is still working, our morning don’t seem nearly as hectic. Traffic is so much lighter in the morning and we don’t have to be out of the house until 7. I get off work around 1, run errands (aka shop!) and then pick Gracie up after her nap. We then try to do some fun mother daughter bonding, like our trip to Aunt Sissy’s pool on Monday. Grace loves the water, unlike her mother at that age. My dad still teases me about my nail marks being embedded on the side of Vienna Woods Swim Club’s baby pool, my parents coaxing me to just come out of the safety of my little corner in the 2 feet! But I digress…Grace loves the water. She splashes and kicks and even just chills in her inter tube while Mommy sunbathes (in the pool with her of course).
Grace is walking faster than ever. I can’t believe that in just two weeks she’s gone from barely being able to stand to full out hauling ass across the family room! It definitely makes our job as parents more challenge but it is so rewarding to see her run to me when I pick her up from school. She is so proud of herself.
All the advances, however, aren’t good ones. Whenever Dave or I tell Grace no (no you can’t smack the dog, no you can’t stomp on Daddy’s DVD’s, no you cannot throw your food on the ground) she laughs. I’m talkin’ stares at you and exudes this full on belly laugh. At first I thought it was just when I told her no. Certainly she would listen to Dave’s deep bellowing voice. No, she doesn’t. I think she even laughs and little louder! Oh, and last night she bite Dave, twice. Great. I believe we’re going to start allocating the high chair for time outs. We have to do something.
Despite these two “challenges”, we’ve decided to keep her. I’m taking her “baby free to a good home” ad off CraigsList.

She loves splashing in the water!

I know my face is a bit creepy in this one but she looks so cute...excuse my creepiness