On December 22nd we had our 20 week ultrasound. And Little Baby T #2 wasn't cooperating at all. After two hours of being poked and pushed on, the technician was able to get all the medical information she needed. All the parts were in the right place and the baby looked healthy. And that was the most important part, right?
Of course! But there was one more thing that I wanted to know. Boy or girl? Pink or blue? Baseball or ballerinas? Well folks, the verdict is still out. The technician saw what she thinks may be a penis but she’s not sure. She could have been looking at something else that resembled a penis. What?!?!? Either it’s there or not. But apparently there is more to it than that. She couldn’t determine with 100 percent accuracy the gender of this baby. So, we will wait. But not until May, I don’t have the patience for that. We will wait another month and then do a 3D ultrasound. Hopefully that will be conclusive. I mean a penis in 3D would be pretty hard to mistake for something else!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I finally gave in and took the family to Portrait Innovations this past weekend. It honestly wasn't as tramatizing as I thought it be! We were able to get some good ones of Grace and some descent shots of the family. For now, I am only posting the holiday pic as the rest will be given the others as gifts to the fam! I don't want to spoil the surprise. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Gracie's school pictures
I am the worst blogger ever! Some many things happen on a day to day basis around here but between pregnancy, motherhood, and middle schoolers I just can't seem to find the time/energy to blog!!!! I must try however and just do my best.
Here are Gracie's school pictures. These might all look the same but trust me, everyone is a different variation of a frown. I mean she is pitiful!!!!!

Here are Gracie's school pictures. These might all look the same but trust me, everyone is a different variation of a frown. I mean she is pitiful!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Updates...Halloween, High Chairs, Hysterics
Another long awaited update I'm sure. I didn't realize that I hadn't even mentioned Halloween...bad Mommy! Grace goes to bed at 7 so we decided to wait to actual trick or treat until next year. Instead, Gracie helped Mommy pass out candy to some of the other litle kids. Grace enjoyed seeing all of the little ones but, as soon as they left, she stood next to the door and sort of whined until the next group arrived. Too cute.
I have been meaning to mention the funniest thing that Gracie does. As soon as she's done eating and we put her down, Gracie takes her high chair, pushes it back exactly where it belongs and then snaps the seat belt. She has become infatuated with buckles. Hint hint Ssanta Clause. Anyway, it's so cute that she's developing her own little rituals.
Grace had her 18 month appt at the doctors and she's right on track, weighing in at 25lbs. Her speech development is also right on track which has been a concern for Dave and I given her ear issues. Right now she is saying: Mama, Papa, Joe, no, night nights, ball, uh-oh, up, cracker, banana (it sounds like nana), baby, and book. She repeats what she hears us say, a challenge for me to keep it clean!
I am almost 15 weeks pregnant with number 2 and finally feeling much better. The second time around has its challenges but one good thing is that I'm not as concerned when I feel a little cramp or just don't feel right...all these things are normal...I can't wait to see Grace as a big sis. They will be right about 2 years apart so I'm hoping they will be best friends!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace and her high chair

She can see the trick or treaters coming!

Our little fairy princess!

"I love Halloween even though I didn't get any candy:("
I have been meaning to mention the funniest thing that Gracie does. As soon as she's done eating and we put her down, Gracie takes her high chair, pushes it back exactly where it belongs and then snaps the seat belt. She has become infatuated with buckles. Hint hint Ssanta Clause. Anyway, it's so cute that she's developing her own little rituals.
Grace had her 18 month appt at the doctors and she's right on track, weighing in at 25lbs. Her speech development is also right on track which has been a concern for Dave and I given her ear issues. Right now she is saying: Mama, Papa, Joe, no, night nights, ball, uh-oh, up, cracker, banana (it sounds like nana), baby, and book. She repeats what she hears us say, a challenge for me to keep it clean!
I am almost 15 weeks pregnant with number 2 and finally feeling much better. The second time around has its challenges but one good thing is that I'm not as concerned when I feel a little cramp or just don't feel right...all these things are normal...I can't wait to see Grace as a big sis. They will be right about 2 years apart so I'm hoping they will be best friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace and her high chair
She can see the trick or treaters coming!
Our little fairy princess!
"I love Halloween even though I didn't get any candy:("
Monday, November 10, 2008
Little Baby T #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the latest of the new baby (13weeks 5 days, EDD 5-15-09)! Went to the doctors and everything looks good. Mommy has been feeling better but it's much tougher the second time around. Gracie doesn't understand, "Ok honey, Mommy's gotta hurl!" but Daddy has been a real help. Here's the new baby...just two years younger than Grace! (On our old entry under Nov. 2006 we have a ultrasound of Gracie that was done 11-6, this one was done today, 11-10!)

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Last weekend we journeyed to a beautiful farm in Bluemont to pick pumpkins. This farm is great for kids; they have a playground, animals, terrific food and even a live band. It was a beautiful day and Gracie had a blast. As you can see by the pictures, we did not pick any pumpkins. That would entail a long hayride and the actual physical exertion of ripping a pumpkin from the ground. Um, no thanks. There were plenty of perfect pumpkins sitting by the gift shop for purchase. So that it what we did.

The slide was a huge hit!

What we think was her first time ever on a swing! She loved it!

The light by the barn was so great so we tried to get a good picture. Trust me, this one was the best! The rest involved squirming and even some tears!

Gracie and Daddy on the cow train. She wasn't too impressed!

The slide was a huge hit!

What we think was her first time ever on a swing! She loved it!

The light by the barn was so great so we tried to get a good picture. Trust me, this one was the best! The rest involved squirming and even some tears!

Gracie and Daddy on the cow train. She wasn't too impressed!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Grace's first political rally
Our candidate visited Leesburg, Virginia last week and after many hours of “how can we take an 19 month old to a political rally at 5:30, in the cold, with 30,000 other people” we said to hell with it and bundled her up and went to Ida Lee Park. The weather was chilly but bearable. The crowd was huge but in good spirits (except for the Supporters from the “other side” who insisted on pissing me off with “excuse me ma’am but that bus is trying to turn. You aren’t going to let a school bus full of children out? You O*ama people are all the same”) and Grace maintained her cool for the 4 hours we were camped out in line. Although we never made it past the security gates, we were there. Apart of history. It was an awesome feeling and although Gracie will never remember it she can always say she was there.

The sea of people

Gracie and Daddy at the fence trying to get a better look

Ok, you can kind of see him...under the metal gate!

The sea of people

Gracie and Daddy at the fence trying to get a better look

Ok, you can kind of see him...under the metal gate!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Words of Wisdom
by Gracie T and her mother who has no idea how to hold a camera. Sorry. If you have a laptop, you may be in luck. The rest of you may just want to go ahead and turn your head to the left for about a minute and 29 seconds! Enjoy
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Photo Update (with details to follow shortly)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The batteries in the camera
are dead once again. I have been back to work for a couple of weeks and Dave's work is stressful and he has started another class. I know that isn't an excuse. I need to be a better Mama and get to work on this blog!
Grace has been doing great. She has cut in both her bottom and top set of molars and we are all glad that is over. She is saying mama and papa and some variation of Joe. She is mimicking the faces that Dave makes and it is hilarious. She will make the funny face and then pause to see how we react. When we laugh she is soo pleased with herself. She's a ham, just like her papa. I need to post a video, it's to die for.
I do miss those lazy summer days. Having only a couple of hours a day with her to play breaks my heart. But, that's our life. I do know that the time we spend together during the week is precious and therefore we make it special. I'm kinda hoping she starts to go to bed later so we can play!
Ok, it's almost 10. I'm sure I'll read this tomorrow and edit it. Right now, I"m just rambling.
Oh, and Nana, I will post those great pics from your visit APAP! I promise!
Grace has been doing great. She has cut in both her bottom and top set of molars and we are all glad that is over. She is saying mama and papa and some variation of Joe. She is mimicking the faces that Dave makes and it is hilarious. She will make the funny face and then pause to see how we react. When we laugh she is soo pleased with herself. She's a ham, just like her papa. I need to post a video, it's to die for.
I do miss those lazy summer days. Having only a couple of hours a day with her to play breaks my heart. But, that's our life. I do know that the time we spend together during the week is precious and therefore we make it special. I'm kinda hoping she starts to go to bed later so we can play!
Ok, it's almost 10. I'm sure I'll read this tomorrow and edit it. Right now, I"m just rambling.
Oh, and Nana, I will post those great pics from your visit APAP! I promise!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy 30th birthday Daddy!!!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Reston Zoo
Sunday, August 03, 2008
If my satellite tv ever craps out...
Monday, July 28, 2008
And we have pigtails
One of the many joys of having a little girl is the ability to accessorize them. This can be done through charming clothes, shoes, and the one I’m having oodles of fun with now, hair! Gracie’s hair is getting longer and thicker and the hair possibilities are endless. We’ve been using barrettes on her for some time now but she easily pulls them out during her “fits of divaness”. The elastics, not so easy for her to ruin. Enjoy the pictures of Gracie with her pigtails, her Mom Mom, and her Pop Pop.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Gracie's first boo-boo
Poor baby. I was making our traditional Saturday big breakfast and David was helping me in the kitchen. Gracie was safely "corralled" in the living room when we heard a thud followed by, our course, her wailing. David and I ran into the living room and saw her laying on her back, crying and looking especially pitiful. David picked her up and there was a small speck of blood on her chin. Her first blood spill. I, of course, checked her face, inside her mouth, and all over her body to make sure she was ok. David held her while she cried and we cleaned up her chin without a problem. 5 minutes after it happened, Gracie was playing again.
Now that she is so mobile, these kinds of accidents are inevitable. She toddles around ALL DAY, no longer happy with sitting or being held. It’s especially hysterical when she’s tired and takes two steps, falls sideways(she does this very gracefully), and then tries to get back up. A riot. So today I will make another stop at Target, for band-aides, Neosporin, and perhaps the baby leash!
Now that she is so mobile, these kinds of accidents are inevitable. She toddles around ALL DAY, no longer happy with sitting or being held. It’s especially hysterical when she’s tired and takes two steps, falls sideways(she does this very gracefully), and then tries to get back up. A riot. So today I will make another stop at Target, for band-aides, Neosporin, and perhaps the baby leash!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Rings and things
Gracie has a fascination with her ring toys. She will walk around with them on her wrist for hours.

In other news, Dave and I have decided to return to the world of the hip and adventurous! Hmm, returning denotes that we were once there…not sure if we could classified as hip or in any way adventurous but I digress… we have decided that it’s time to HIRE A REAL LIFE BABYSITTER! Sure we have left Gracie for an evening or two but it has always been in the care of my parents or my sister; never with anyone unrelated. As we fall into a constant routine, Dave and I find that, while there is comfort in the routine, it also leads to extreme boredom and monotony. We find ourselves longing to go to dinner, visit a friend, or just have some time to ourselves. Although Jen and Mom and Dad are great, we decided that we need to have a babysitter who lives close by that we can call on when we need to get out. I searched on Criagslist and even went to babysitters.com (who, by the way, wanted $119 to join to view their sitters) but I wasn’t happy with what I found. I mean, this person is going to be alone in my house with my child, this is a huge responsibility not to be trusted to just anyone, right?!?! Then, it hit me.
About 10 years ago, my sister started to babysat a little girl, Lilly. Jen and I took turns watching her and then, while I was in college, I was a nanny for her all summer. I ran into her and her mother at Giant Food a couple of months back and Lilly is, (gasp!) 14!!! I couldn’t believe it, she is taller than me. So this morning I emailed her mother and asked if Lilly babysat. She was thrilled that I sent the email and Lilly and Grace are going to finally meet! The kicker? Lilly lives one block away!! Yippee!!! Salvation!!! Dinner and drinks with my husband, playdates for Mommy and Daddy. I’m thrilled!
In other news, Dave and I have decided to return to the world of the hip and adventurous! Hmm, returning denotes that we were once there…not sure if we could classified as hip or in any way adventurous but I digress… we have decided that it’s time to HIRE A REAL LIFE BABYSITTER! Sure we have left Gracie for an evening or two but it has always been in the care of my parents or my sister; never with anyone unrelated. As we fall into a constant routine, Dave and I find that, while there is comfort in the routine, it also leads to extreme boredom and monotony. We find ourselves longing to go to dinner, visit a friend, or just have some time to ourselves. Although Jen and Mom and Dad are great, we decided that we need to have a babysitter who lives close by that we can call on when we need to get out. I searched on Criagslist and even went to babysitters.com (who, by the way, wanted $119 to join to view their sitters) but I wasn’t happy with what I found. I mean, this person is going to be alone in my house with my child, this is a huge responsibility not to be trusted to just anyone, right?!?! Then, it hit me.
About 10 years ago, my sister started to babysat a little girl, Lilly. Jen and I took turns watching her and then, while I was in college, I was a nanny for her all summer. I ran into her and her mother at Giant Food a couple of months back and Lilly is, (gasp!) 14!!! I couldn’t believe it, she is taller than me. So this morning I emailed her mother and asked if Lilly babysat. She was thrilled that I sent the email and Lilly and Grace are going to finally meet! The kicker? Lilly lives one block away!! Yippee!!! Salvation!!! Dinner and drinks with my husband, playdates for Mommy and Daddy. I’m thrilled!
Lazy Summer Days...
Gracie has been enjoying her relaxed summer schedule. Although Mommy is still working, our morning don’t seem nearly as hectic. Traffic is so much lighter in the morning and we don’t have to be out of the house until 7. I get off work around 1, run errands (aka shop!) and then pick Gracie up after her nap. We then try to do some fun mother daughter bonding, like our trip to Aunt Sissy’s pool on Monday. Grace loves the water, unlike her mother at that age. My dad still teases me about my nail marks being embedded on the side of Vienna Woods Swim Club’s baby pool, my parents coaxing me to just come out of the safety of my little corner in the 2 feet! But I digress…Grace loves the water. She splashes and kicks and even just chills in her inter tube while Mommy sunbathes (in the pool with her of course).
Grace is walking faster than ever. I can’t believe that in just two weeks she’s gone from barely being able to stand to full out hauling ass across the family room! It definitely makes our job as parents more challenge but it is so rewarding to see her run to me when I pick her up from school. She is so proud of herself.
All the advances, however, aren’t good ones. Whenever Dave or I tell Grace no (no you can’t smack the dog, no you can’t stomp on Daddy’s DVD’s, no you cannot throw your food on the ground) she laughs. I’m talkin’ stares at you and exudes this full on belly laugh. At first I thought it was just when I told her no. Certainly she would listen to Dave’s deep bellowing voice. No, she doesn’t. I think she even laughs and little louder! Oh, and last night she bite Dave, twice. Great. I believe we’re going to start allocating the high chair for time outs. We have to do something.
Despite these two “challenges”, we’ve decided to keep her. I’m taking her “baby free to a good home” ad off CraigsList.

She loves splashing in the water!

I know my face is a bit creepy in this one but she looks so cute...excuse my creepiness
Grace is walking faster than ever. I can’t believe that in just two weeks she’s gone from barely being able to stand to full out hauling ass across the family room! It definitely makes our job as parents more challenge but it is so rewarding to see her run to me when I pick her up from school. She is so proud of herself.
All the advances, however, aren’t good ones. Whenever Dave or I tell Grace no (no you can’t smack the dog, no you can’t stomp on Daddy’s DVD’s, no you cannot throw your food on the ground) she laughs. I’m talkin’ stares at you and exudes this full on belly laugh. At first I thought it was just when I told her no. Certainly she would listen to Dave’s deep bellowing voice. No, she doesn’t. I think she even laughs and little louder! Oh, and last night she bite Dave, twice. Great. I believe we’re going to start allocating the high chair for time outs. We have to do something.
Despite these two “challenges”, we’ve decided to keep her. I’m taking her “baby free to a good home” ad off CraigsList.

She loves splashing in the water!

I know my face is a bit creepy in this one but she looks so cute...excuse my creepiness
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Poll: The baby leash
Now that Grace is becoming mobile, a whole new scary world is opening up to us. When we're out shopping, Grace willingly stays in her stroller/cart and we are able to go about our shopping and actually really enjoy the experience. But now, Grace is going to want to walk around...OMG. Am I going to be one of those frazzled mom's running after their screaming baby in the Target?!?!? We've all seen those mom's and perhaps chuckled a bit at their misfortunes but is this my destiny? Will Target never be the same? Ok, so that's a bit dramatic. But, their is a very real safety question here.
Yesterday David and I were at Babies R Us finally buying baby proofing devices when I came across THE BABY LEASH! At first I laughed but then I began to think about all the benefits of owning such a device. I will admit that I used to laugh at people who put their baby on a (uh-hum) leash but I have to not judge a parent...we do what we can to make easier. So readers, what do you think? Should I purchase the baby leash? Here's a pic for those of you who do not have children and have no flippin' clue what I'm talking about:
Yesterday David and I were at Babies R Us finally buying baby proofing devices when I came across THE BABY LEASH! At first I laughed but then I began to think about all the benefits of owning such a device. I will admit that I used to laugh at people who put their baby on a (uh-hum) leash but I have to not judge a parent...we do what we can to make easier. So readers, what do you think? Should I purchase the baby leash? Here's a pic for those of you who do not have children and have no flippin' clue what I'm talking about:

Saturday, July 05, 2008
Grace is gaining her own independence
by walking! Yesterday Grace took her first unassisted steps! I'll write more later but I wanted everyone to know. Go Gracie!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Signs, signs everywhere are signs...
But poor Gracie has two very dense parents. When I went to pick her up today, she was having her snack. I decided to pop a squat right next to her and partake in a couple of animals crackers. As I was eating the head off an unsuspecting bear, the caregiver walked around asking the babies if they wanted any more. When Ms. Stephanie got to Grace with the jar of crackers, Grace made the sign for more accompanied by a "mah, mah" noise! WHAT?!?!? Grace knows the sign for more? Why were we not informed of this. For the last month or so Grace has gotten frusterated at the dinner table waving her hands and grunting. Well, idiot mom, that wasn't random waving and grunting, she was trying to communicate!!!! When we got home tonight and I prepared her a special grilled chicken pasta with homemade pea/carrott/spinach tomato sauce, I gave her a small piece. She ate it quickly and then I asked her if she wanted more, accompanied with the sign. Grace's eyes lite up: "Ah ha, she finally got it!" Grace then made the sign for more!
I wonder what else they're teaching my daughter. One day I'll get to school and she'll be twirling a batton on one leg. Rather unlikely.
I of course grabbed the camera and captured my daughter's sign. I also ran upstair and dug out my book on baby signs. Why didn't I start this months ago?
Oh, please excuse my overly annoying voice.
I wonder what else they're teaching my daughter. One day I'll get to school and she'll be twirling a batton on one leg. Rather unlikely.
I of course grabbed the camera and captured my daughter's sign. I also ran upstair and dug out my book on baby signs. Why didn't I start this months ago?
Oh, please excuse my overly annoying voice.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
We could all learn a little bit from Gracie...
Don't take yourself to seriously...and laugh once and a while
Ah a day at the pool...
It used to be so relaxing. I would grab a towel, water, sunscreen(ok, that was rare) and People magazine. I would get to the pool, jump in to cool off, and then bake for hours. It was awesome. After a full afternoon, I would come home exhaused(not because I did any swimming, no way, probably b/c I had some mild heat stroke) and take a nap. Boy have things changed.
Today we took Grace to the pool. I began getting ready about an hour before it was time to go. Our pool bag(s) contained:
--3 towels
--suncreen (70+ for Grace and 12 for Dave, still none for me; hey, that's the one thing that hasn't changed)
--sun bonnet
--swim diapers
--3 sandwiches
--apple juice
--wet paper towels
--camera (Oh god, that is awful. A camera at the pool sucks...that' why I'm the camera man)
--Gracie's normal diaper bag
And no People magazine in sight. How quickly and completly your life changes. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Gracie loved the water and I attribute that to dunking her last year.

Today we took Grace to the pool. I began getting ready about an hour before it was time to go. Our pool bag(s) contained:
--3 towels
--suncreen (70+ for Grace and 12 for Dave, still none for me; hey, that's the one thing that hasn't changed)
--sun bonnet
--swim diapers
--3 sandwiches
--apple juice
--wet paper towels
--camera (Oh god, that is awful. A camera at the pool sucks...that' why I'm the camera man)
--Gracie's normal diaper bag
And no People magazine in sight. How quickly and completly your life changes. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Gracie loved the water and I attribute that to dunking her last year.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Two is better than one!
Gracie really loves her walkers. She still hasn't walked on her own yet, but she has found new enjoyment and stimlation in playing with both her walkers at once. And of course, it's a riot!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Blog update...it's about time!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Grace has graduated from the infant room to the older infant room. We have been transitioning her for the past couple of weeks but Monday she started in with the older kids full time. It was tough for David and I as we really loved the people who watched Gracie in the infant room and also because it meant our baby was getting older. Of course her being surrounded by kids who are walking and talking and not drolling and pooping are much better for her development but I hate to see her growing up so fast!
Yesterday her caregiver presented us with a photobook with the following pictures:

I was very touched by her sentiment and also a bit saddened. What am I going to do at her high school graduation!?!?!??!!?!?!
Yesterday her caregiver presented us with a photobook with the following pictures:
I was very touched by her sentiment and also a bit saddened. What am I going to do at her high school graduation!?!?!??!!?!?!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Memorial weekend was a big one for us! We went strawberry picking, got locked out of the house with the baby safely inside, and drove to VA Beach to adopt a new dog, Moose.
On Saturday we joined Mom Mom, Pop Pop, Aunt Jen, Uncle Greg, Brandon and Samantha for the annual Great Country Farm Strawberry Jubilee. That's right, it was a jubilee. And I know that sounds hillbilly and I'm not at all hillbilly but everyone in Loudoun County came out for the festivities. There were no shortages of Blackberry's and laptops at this "country" fair. The line to pick strawberry's was over an hour long so we decided to stretch out on our blanket and enjoy the music and food.
I like to call this exerpt King Foo husband.
Sunday we were all set to make the four hour drive to VA Beach to pick up Moose. We have known for a while that Joe needed a playmate and have been waiting for the perfect buddy to come along. We think we found that after reading Moose's description on the Lab rescue website. Aunt Jen was able to watch Gracie and all we needed to do was take Joe down there to meet the dog. Dave and I were running around at 6:45AM trying to get everyone ready. Joe was in the yard, Grace in her exersaucer and David inside. I ran to the car going through the garage, leaving the door to the house open. Dave came outside to bring out some of Gracie's things and closed the door behind him. As soon as he, he looked up at me, "You have the keys, right!!!???" Hell no I didn't have the keys. I left the door open!!!! was my thought. We were locked out of the house. Panic hit us both. Were there any unlocked doors, windows, anyway to get into the house?? We both ran around for a minute, looking at the house, almost willing it open. We realized that wouldn't work. Everything was locked up tight. With Gracie in the kitchen. Shit. Panic. Double shit. More panic. Finally, my husband yelled to me, "Ok honey, close the garage door. I'm kicking the door in. I don't want the neighbors to see."
You're what!!!! I mean I love my husband and I believe in him 100 percent but to do something like kick open a door, I was skeptical. But, we had no other options. It's worth a shot. I closed the garage door and waited outside. Thud.
"Ok honey, I got it, come on in!!!!!!!!!" What, my husband had done it! He kicked our door in to save the baby!!!!!!! (I think it was the fact that he had watched Indiana Jones the night before, he was feeling very masculine!) We ran inside and Gracie was sitting in her exersaucer, looking out the window. I of course was hysterical and David was standing there just a little bit taller. Catastrophe avoided.
Moose and Joe are becoming friends. It's going to be an ajustment for both of them but hopefully they will soon be brothers.

On Saturday we joined Mom Mom, Pop Pop, Aunt Jen, Uncle Greg, Brandon and Samantha for the annual Great Country Farm Strawberry Jubilee. That's right, it was a jubilee. And I know that sounds hillbilly and I'm not at all hillbilly but everyone in Loudoun County came out for the festivities. There were no shortages of Blackberry's and laptops at this "country" fair. The line to pick strawberry's was over an hour long so we decided to stretch out on our blanket and enjoy the music and food.
I like to call this exerpt King Foo husband.
Sunday we were all set to make the four hour drive to VA Beach to pick up Moose. We have known for a while that Joe needed a playmate and have been waiting for the perfect buddy to come along. We think we found that after reading Moose's description on the Lab rescue website. Aunt Jen was able to watch Gracie and all we needed to do was take Joe down there to meet the dog. Dave and I were running around at 6:45AM trying to get everyone ready. Joe was in the yard, Grace in her exersaucer and David inside. I ran to the car going through the garage, leaving the door to the house open. Dave came outside to bring out some of Gracie's things and closed the door behind him. As soon as he, he looked up at me, "You have the keys, right!!!???" Hell no I didn't have the keys. I left the door open!!!! was my thought. We were locked out of the house. Panic hit us both. Were there any unlocked doors, windows, anyway to get into the house?? We both ran around for a minute, looking at the house, almost willing it open. We realized that wouldn't work. Everything was locked up tight. With Gracie in the kitchen. Shit. Panic. Double shit. More panic. Finally, my husband yelled to me, "Ok honey, close the garage door. I'm kicking the door in. I don't want the neighbors to see."
You're what!!!! I mean I love my husband and I believe in him 100 percent but to do something like kick open a door, I was skeptical. But, we had no other options. It's worth a shot. I closed the garage door and waited outside. Thud.
"Ok honey, I got it, come on in!!!!!!!!!" What, my husband had done it! He kicked our door in to save the baby!!!!!!! (I think it was the fact that he had watched Indiana Jones the night before, he was feeling very masculine!) We ran inside and Gracie was sitting in her exersaucer, looking out the window. I of course was hysterical and David was standing there just a little bit taller. Catastrophe avoided.
Moose and Joe are becoming friends. It's going to be an ajustment for both of them but hopefully they will soon be brothers.
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