Grace has really blossomed this past month! Tuesday, during one of her very few crying fits, it happened. Her first little baby tear appeared! It was so funny, as soon as I saw it, the only thing I could think to do was grab a camera...but before I knew it, the tear disappeared into the pillow! Also, just these last couple of days, Gracie has started talking! Dave caught her goos and gahs on video which I will try to upload later. I can't believe how big she is getting. She has finally outgrown all her newborn clothes ad is fitting comfortably into 0-3 month clothes. The pudgy girl is weighing in at 12 pounds 5 ounces! Good girl! Grace has fallen into a grat rountine. She sleeps from 9 until 6 or 7 in the morning. Then, throughout the day, she is on a pattern of eating, playing and sleeping starting every three hours. All of this will change of course when she starts daycare August 22nd, the day I dread! I really am trying to write something witty or at least a well constructed sentence but for some reason having this baby has made me very unimaginative and somewhat dull. Oh well, I'm sure half of you don't even read the blog...you probably just look at the pictures. I can't blame you! Here she is! (I couldn't decide on one official three month pic so I've included all of them!)

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