Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Baby--Free to a Good Home

Is there a return policy for babies? Or maybe an exchange policy...no, on second thought, just a return policy. Readers of my blog, please investigate this and let me know what you discover. Ebay or Craiglist perhaps.

Before you all jump to the phone to call Child Protective Services, let me explain. For the first 13 weeks of her life, our dear sweet baby girl never really cried. Sure, she'd cry when she was hungry, tired, or needed changing but as soon as we would meet her need, she was happy and smiling again immediatly. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old and she still is (that may be the only reason I'm keeping her!) But, starting last Friday ( which just so happen to be her 13th week...hmm, superstitious anyone?!?) she became possessed. She began crying after I fed her, after I changed her and, even when her binks was in her mouth...gasp...the almighty binky is failing. Sunday I had to run to Babies R Us and wanted to do a little back to school shopping for myself. When I left, everything was ok. Then, almost out of a movie, the skies darkened and thunder began to roll, literally people. My phone rang. I heard Dave on the other end, frantic, and Gracie crying in the backround. Oh sweet Jesus. My poor husband had tried everything, food, changing, swaddling, kissing, holding, laying her down, the swing, the Bjorn, we're talking everything. I suggested the car and he hurridly said he'd try it and call me back.
About 20 minutes later (now it' pouring rain outside and I'm trying on clothes at such a fast pace that I'm sweating, which of course makes it so enjoyable) my phone rang. He still sounded frantic. Sure, the car worked and she fell fast asleep. But, as soon as he got home and placed her bucket on the kitchen table, her eyes openend and she began to wail.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! My poor husband. I quickly took my purchases to the register. Then, the power went out. Nothing is stanger than being in a retail store in the middle of the day that turns pitch black! I wanted to scream, "Hurry up! I have a crying baby and husband at home!" Is took a while for the registers to boot up but soon enough, I was back in the car rushing home. My phone rang again and Dave sounded a bit better. He has been alone with her countless times and has always been able to handle her wonderfully. This day was so crazy. When I walked in the door, she was asleep and Dave looked like he had just run a marathon. We carefully placed her in ther crib. She slept for a couple of hours. Thank you God.

Yesterday was better but I was still walking on pins and needles. Every little squeak from her put me in a tailspin. Hmm, she's sleeping now. I'm scared what will happen when she wakes up.

So, readers of my blog, any advice would be great. Not the "you'll get through it" advice but advice on good places to drop her off. I mean, I'm not heartless. I want her in a good home.
UPDATE: Things are looking up. This morning she has been taking a nap for a hour and counting. I will attempt taking her the mall later this afternoon. Let's hope it's good!

I tell Dave all the time that God made her so cute so that we would be able to put up with anything. I mean, look at this face, she looks so innocent. But don't let that fool you, shes plotting her next outburst...she's very smart!
Sure, she is convincing. Let me show you the real Grace Elizabeth Tucholski:

See what I mean!?!?!?

She's still cute, even when she cries.
Here she is getting ready to scream. Watch out!
Oh no, Mom and Dad are getting very nervous! Gracie even looks nervous!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Sunday

This is what happens when Daddy takes care of Gracie! He walked her in the bedroom this morning and this is what I saw. ...the slippers are too cute. It's a rainy Sunday; a perfect day to stay in your pj's.

Friday, July 27, 2007

3 Months!

Grace has really blossomed this past month! Tuesday, during one of her very few crying fits, it happened. Her first little baby tear appeared! It was so funny, as soon as I saw it, the only thing I could think to do was grab a camera...but before I knew it, the tear disappeared into the pillow! Also, just these last couple of days, Gracie has started talking! Dave caught her goos and gahs on video which I will try to upload later. I can't believe how big she is getting. She has finally outgrown all her newborn clothes ad is fitting comfortably into 0-3 month clothes. The pudgy girl is weighing in at 12 pounds 5 ounces! Good girl! Grace has fallen into a grat rountine. She sleeps from 9 until 6 or 7 in the morning. Then, throughout the day, she is on a pattern of eating, playing and sleeping starting every three hours. All of this will change of course when she starts daycare August 22nd, the day I dread! I really am trying to write something witty or at least a well constructed sentence but for some reason having this baby has made me very unimaginative and somewhat dull. Oh well, I'm sure half of you don't even read the blog...you probably just look at the pictures. I can't blame you! Here she is! (I couldn't decide on one official three month pic so I've included all of them!)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We've had another exciting week at the Tucholskis' house! Dave and I went on an overnight trip without Gracie for the first time. As an early birthday present, I got Dave tickets to go see The Police in Philadelphia. The show was super awesome and despite the fact that we both missed Gracie like crazy, it was good to get away for a couple of days. She as never far from our thoughts...see picture below...our dashboard...clearly my doing! Gracie enjoyed her time with Mom-Mom and Pop Pop and Aunt Jen and Uncle Greg and when we finally got her back, I swear she was bigger. (We were only gone two days people!) Things quickly got back to normal here...Gracie plays and sleeps all day and poor Joe the Dog competes for our attention! Last night, Gracie was very congested. Daddy played around with her nose and she seems to be doing better this morning. I think we have our first cold! But, Gracie is taking it like a champ! See below!
She is still the perfect baby. This morning I had to actually wake her up at 7 so we could take Dave to the bus stop. I'm getting more sleep now than I ever did when I was pregnant. Yesterday, I went to my new school to pick up some books and got a tour of the school. Gracie sat in her stroller like a good little girl and looked around the new building with Mommy. Everything was going well until she decided to poop right there in the shop classroom! Oh well, I guess we need to work on her pooping skills...she only seems to do it when Mommy is trying on clothes or being walked around a school by her new boss! Oh Grace! Many of you may wonder what Gracie is doing while her Mommy types away on the internet...here it is!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Ok, so I just realized it's been a week since I've posted. I guess having a newborn to look after is starting to catch up with me! Gracie is getting much more active and needs more of my attention.

Things at the Tucholski Manor are going great! Gracie is still and has been sleeping every night from 9ish until 6ish in the morning. So I'm getting more sleep now than I did when I was pregnant. (Knock on wood!) Gracie's personality is really starting to shine through. Everyone agrees that she has her Daddy's disposition which I am thankful for! She's sooo calm and "chill". She sits and watches me do chores and does so mostly with few interruptions. We're really enjoying our time together but all good things must come to an end. I had Gracie's daycare transferred closer to my new job (I found out last week that I got a Dean job at a local middle school; it's basically like a junior assistant principal) and she will be starting August 22. I dread that day. But until then, we will continue to bond! Gracie has become quite the little shopper. Last week, Aunt Jen, Gracie and I went to the mall and the Outlets! She loved it! Ok, well really she slept the whole time, interrupted only by eating and a little poopy mess in the Ann Taylor fitting room! We got together with the family for Pop Pop's 70th birthday last Saturday and Gracie got all dressed up for the occasion. On the way to Red Hot and Blue (complete with bow!)
"You missed a spot Daddy! Get those bottles clean!"(She gets this from her Mama!)

"Geez Ma, you've really let yourself go!"

"The Progression of the Bumbo"

the fun doesn't last long!

"Wow, I love this thing."

"Ok, get me out of this horrible thing!"

King of the Bumbo!

Monday, July 09, 2007

This weekend was a fun one for the entire family. Dave's college buddies and their significant others came down to meet Gracie. It was really nice to have friends over and hang out with Grace. Dave and I are really learning how life does get back to normal; only with the best little baby in the world. We really are lucky with Grace; there were times this weekend when we all "forgot" (not really!) that she was there b/c she was so quiet.

Gracie with Dave's buddy Bruffy

It was also a weekend of firsts for mom! I went to the mall with my sister and was away from the baby for the better part of six whole hours! I was nervous but only called Dave about four times. That's not too bad right!?? At the end of the day, Grace, Dave and I all got through the seperation without any significant damage. Not counting our bank account, of course. I forgot how nice it is to shop without always rushing and worrying about how much longer the little one will last!
Grace and her Daddy bonding

Today it was back to business as usual. Mom Mom came over to watch the baby while Mommy ran out for a minute and then Grace and I took our weekly :) trip to the Target. This weeks purchase included a Bumbo for Grace. Although the box says the chair is intended for 3-14 month olds, I figured Grace could handle it. She has great neck strength and I figured she'd be great. One thing about Grace is she's very independent. We all know she gets that from her father; to say I'm a little needy is an understatement. WHen she gets fussy (which is rare), she usually has to burp or she wants to be put down and left alone! I know this is a really great trait for an infant, but sometimes I want to hold her and cuddle and she really wants nothing to do with me. My little DIVA. Anyhoo, I had to purchase the Bumbo so she would have yet another place to sit when she feels like being alone. I think she likes it!

Gracie in her Bumbo; wearing a onsie from Aunt Sissy: "Turquoise brings out my eyes"

She loves it!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Gracie's first 4th of July!

Grace has successfully made it through her first national holiday! The weather was perfect; not too hot and a little overcast so the sun wasn't beating down on us! We ventured into Vienna (the town where I grew up and am still in love with!)to the annual 4th of July celebration at the community center. Over the years my family has made it a tradition to go to the fair and enjoy the music, food, and numerous craft stands. I wanted Grace to apart of that this year. We got there early and staked out a perfect picnic table under a huge tree, close to the food (yipee) and the Jimmy Buffet cover band (yipee for David!).

I know, David has decided to grow his beard back. It's growing on me! Here are Gracie and Daddy hangin' out at the table. I'm not sure why he looks so angry but I assure you he isn't!

We stayed at the festival for several hours and enjoyed hanging out with my parents and my sister. Grace loves to be around her family and was very happy (and awake) for most of the day.

Gracie and her Aunt Jen (and yes, I think my sister is moonlighting as a supermodel!)

Gracie (in one of her adorable red, white and blue outfits!)and her Mom-Mom

Eventually, the fun had to come to an end. But before that, Mom Mom took Gracie shopping and bought her that adorable headband/bow accessory (see below)! I think she looks so cute and don't worry, the bow is detachable and we have numerous other colors.
Once we got home we had to change Gracie into her other outfit (thanks Stack, Ellen, and Donna!) and her new bow. We got Gracie all ready to go, and then it started raining. So, she wore the outfit around the house and she didn't mind being all dressed up with no place to go! Around 9 the skies began to clear and we took Gracie out to watch the fireworks from our front porch. Dave and I were just happy to be together with our baby. Gracie first 4th of July went off without a hitch!

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Girls come for a visit!

This weekend, Stack, Ellen and Donna came up from Richmond to hang out with Gracie (and Dave and I too)! Of course, they fell in love! Donna and Ellen had met Gracie when she was just a teeny peanut and they were so surprised by how big she had gotten!