Before you all jump to the phone to call Child Protective Services, let me explain. For the first 13 weeks of her life, our dear sweet baby girl never really cried. Sure, she'd cry when she was hungry, tired, or needed changing but as soon as we would meet her need, she was happy and smiling again immediatly. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks old and she still is (that may be the only reason I'm keeping her!) But, starting last Friday ( which just so happen to be her 13th week...hmm, superstitious anyone?!?) she became possessed. She began crying after I fed her, after I changed her and, even when her binks was in her mouth...gasp...the almighty binky is failing. Sunday I had to run to Babies R Us and wanted to do a little back to school shopping for myself. When I left, everything was ok. Then, almost out of a movie, the skies darkened and thunder began to roll, literally people. My phone rang. I heard Dave on the other end, frantic, and Gracie crying in the backround. Oh sweet Jesus. My poor husband had tried everything, food, changing, swaddling, kissing, holding, laying her down, the swing, the Bjorn, we're talking everything. I suggested the car and he hurridly said he'd try it and call me back.
About 20 minutes later (now it' pouring rain outside and I'm trying on clothes at such a fast pace that I'm sweating, which of course makes it so enjoyable) my phone rang. He still sounded frantic. Sure, the car worked and she fell fast asleep. But, as soon as he got home and placed her bucket on the kitchen table, her eyes openend and she began to wail.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! My poor husband. I quickly took my purchases to the register. Then, the power went out. Nothing is stanger than being in a retail store in the middle of the day that turns pitch black! I wanted to scream, "Hurry up! I have a crying baby and husband at home!" Is took a while for the registers to boot up but soon enough, I was back in the car rushing home. My phone rang again and Dave sounded a bit better. He has been alone with her countless times and has always been able to handle her wonderfully. This day was so crazy. When I walked in the door, she was asleep and Dave looked like he had just run a marathon. We carefully placed her in ther crib. She slept for a couple of hours. Thank you God.
Yesterday was better but I was still walking on pins and needles. Every little squeak from her put me in a tailspin. Hmm, she's sleeping now. I'm scared what will happen when she wakes up.
So, readers of my blog, any advice would be great. Not the "you'll get through it" advice but advice on good places to drop her off. I mean, I'm not heartless. I want her in a good home.
UPDATE: Things are looking up. This morning she has been taking a nap for a hour and counting. I will attempt taking her the mall later this afternoon. Let's hope it's good!
Sure, she is convincing. Let me show you the real Grace Elizabeth Tucholski:
She's still cute, even when she cries.
Here she is getting ready to scream. Watch out!
Oh no, Mom and Dad are getting very nervous! Gracie even looks nervous!
I tell Dave all the time that God made her so cute so that we would be able to put up with anything. I mean, look at this face, she looks so innocent. But don't let that fool you, shes plotting her next outburst...she's very smart!
See what I mean!?!?!?