Today was a wonderful day where we were able to see clear pictures of Little Baby T. Unfortunately, Husband had to work but my parents were able to go with me. It was absolutley amazing the progress this baby has made in less than a month. We could clearly see her (I'm just guessing here!) arms,legs, hands and her sweet little face. She was constantly moving around, just bouncing from one side to another...her roomy condo will soon be cramped as she continues to grow.
When I got home and showed Husband the pictures, he too was shocked by how much she had grown. I think it finally hit him that there a baby in there; that there really is a reason that I've been so "difficult" to live with these past couple of months. He was upset that he couldn't make the appointment (he works about 1 1/2 from the doctors office) and vowed to never miss another.
I guess it's really hit me now. I'm going to have this baby. She is real. Seeing her little face today on that screen made me realize how truly amazing this is and how nothing else in life matters to me as much as being her mother.
1 comment:
Yesterday, I was introduced to my newest, most precious grandbaby. It meant so much to me to be there with Sue when she saw her child for the first time. I'm so lucky because not only did I get to see my new grandbaby in all his/her splendor, I was there to see my baby become a mother! I'm the luckiest Mom in the world!!!!!!!
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