For those of you who know me, you know that I'm not an extremely patient person, right? So, when Husband asked me if I wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby, I did think about it for a minute and then said, "Heck no, let's find out!"
Today I had a regular appt with my OB. They weighed me (arg, up 6 lbs total), took my blood pressure and hormone levels (out of control I'm sure) and listened for the baby's heartbeat. While I saw the heartbeat yesterday, this was the first time I heard it! It was amazing. Husband was at work again so I went ahead today and rented the Doppler so we can hear the heart beat whenever we want! I know he'll be happy I did! I asked the doctor if there was anyway we could find out the sex of the baby before Christmas. He pulled out his handy dandy little chart and said, "Sure, I'll go ahead and write up the order!" I was soo excited.
As soon as I got into the car, I called Husband and told me everything is fine and that I was going to make the appt for the BIG ultrasound!
So, my plan is working perfectly. I called and made an appt for December 22nd (even though I could have made it earlier, but listen for my plan!). I am going to ask the tech to write down the sex of the baby and put it into a sealed envelop. Then, on Christmas morning ( I only have to wait three days!) Husband and I will sit down and open it together. I can't wait! But I will!