Friday, December 29, 2006

IT'S A...

GIRL!!!! Introducing Grace Elizabeth! Dave and I are both so excited to be having a little baby girl! The ultrasound on the 22nd went perfectly; the heartbeat is great (she has all four chambers!), she has all her fingers and toes and the doctor said all looks great. See her for yourself!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Man am I bad at these things...

So, it's been a few. I actually have a good excuse. The at which I work has now blocked all blogger websites:( I can no longer access my blog or any other blogs for that matter. I will try to do better with updates though!

My big ultrasound is only 9 days away and Dave and I are both so excited! I had a regular doctors appt a few days ago and the docotr said I'm measuring right on cue and everything looks and sounds great! Let's hope that luck continues throughout the next ultrasound.

I really wanted to have some awesome shots of me looking pregnant but as it turns out I have lost the "connector thingy" to the computer so Internet, you'll have to wait. I will instead post a pic of my first baby (alright, and my husband, shaving his beard before the wedding, in stages) for your enjoyment!

Monday, November 27, 2006

A Midsummer Night's Dream

If the baby is a girl, Dave and I have been throwing around the idea of A Midsummer Night's Dream themed nursery. Basically that would entail fairies, flowers, and other various magical things. I found this pic on the internet today and it inspired me. Any thoughts? And be honest people!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Doppler Bliss

Well, we did it! Dave and I heard the baby's heartbeat on Tuesday night. I drank about a million ounces of water and right before I was about to explode, Dave put the wand on my belly and we heard it! He was estatic and I was ressured that my baby is still in there, doing fine, despite all the cheeseburgers and ice cream I've been feeding her!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Doppler Blues

Husband and I decided to rent a Doppler so we could hear the heartbeat whenever we want. It arrived last week, right before he left for his company retreat in the BAHAMAS! So, Thursday night we tried it out. I had just heard the heartbeat at my appt on Monday so I was sure that it would be simple enough to find it on our own. Silly me. We were able to hear every other grumble and growl but no heartbeat. Husband is due home tonight and we shall try again.

My "morning" sickness is really starting to get better and I feel a little more human again. I am able to eat more of a variety of foods but certain smells can still makes me gag. On Wednesday I will enter my second trimester and it will be a welcome change!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Big Ultrasound Scheduled!

For those of you who know me, you know that I'm not an extremely patient person, right? So, when Husband asked me if I wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby, I did think about it for a minute and then said, "Heck no, let's find out!"

Today I had a regular appt with my OB. They weighed me (arg, up 6 lbs total), took my blood pressure and hormone levels (out of control I'm sure) and listened for the baby's heartbeat. While I saw the heartbeat yesterday, this was the first time I heard it! It was amazing. Husband was at work again so I went ahead today and rented the Doppler so we can hear the heart beat whenever we want! I know he'll be happy I did! I asked the doctor if there was anyway we could find out the sex of the baby before Christmas. He pulled out his handy dandy little chart and said, "Sure, I'll go ahead and write up the order!" I was soo excited.

As soon as I got into the car, I called Husband and told me everything is fine and that I was going to make the appt for the BIG ultrasound!

So, my plan is working perfectly. I called and made an appt for December 22nd (even though I could have made it earlier, but listen for my plan!). I am going to ask the tech to write down the sex of the baby and put it into a sealed envelop. Then, on Christmas morning ( I only have to wait three days!) Husband and I will sit down and open it together. I can't wait! But I will!

Monday, November 06, 2006

So I'm Really Going to Have a Baby?!?!?

Today was a wonderful day where we were able to see clear pictures of Little Baby T. Unfortunately, Husband had to work but my parents were able to go with me. It was absolutley amazing the progress this baby has made in less than a month. We could clearly see her (I'm just guessing here!) arms,legs, hands and her sweet little face. She was constantly moving around, just bouncing from one side to another...her roomy condo will soon be cramped as she continues to grow.

When I got home and showed Husband the pictures, he too was shocked by how much she had grown. I think it finally hit him that there a baby in there; that there really is a reason that I've been so "difficult" to live with these past couple of months. He was upset that he couldn't make the appointment (he works about 1 1/2 from the doctors office) and vowed to never miss another.

I guess it's really hit me now. I'm going to have this baby. She is real. Seeing her little face today on that screen made me realize how truly amazing this is and how nothing else in life matters to me as much as being her mother.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Baby Dreams

I had my first official baby dream Tuesday night and it a doozy to say the least! I had given birth to healthy, happy baby girl four weeks prior to her due date. Ok, nothing weird there, right? Oh no, she weighed in at 9lbs 2ozs... imagine if she had gone full term! Ouch! I had a c-section in my dream but mother and baby we're both totally fine. But, because she was so early, husband and I hadn't purchased anything for her. No crib, no clothes, no bottle, no diapers, we're talking nothin' people. The day we took her home, I looked in the basement and found an old dollbaby bassinet and dusted it off and brought it upstairs. I called my mom, (weird b/c one would think she would have wanted to be there!) and she said the bassinet should be just fine. Through all this choas, husband was very concerned that we had a fat baby. Now, husband and I aren't ever going to be confused with Nichole Richie but we're certainly not going to featured on TLC's Super Obese anytime soon (keeping my fingers crossed)! However, throughout this prenancy we both have been concerned about what I'm eating b/c we don't want the baby to develope bad eating habits already! It's just funny b/c husband kept looking at her saying, "She's a big one!" It was very interesting.

So, Monday I have an ultrasound scheduled for a genetic pre-screening. The baby will be 11 weeks 4 days so hopefully we'll get some great pictures!

As for me, my clothes are pretty tight and today I'm sitting here in my very fashionable, very hip Target maternity pants! Go me! The morning sickness has gotten better and I'm even up to making dinner and doing the laudry when I get home from work.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Introduction of Little Baby T!

Here's lookin' at you kid! The debut of Baby T at 7 weeks 5 days. Hey, he might not be much to see right now but give him a few months!