This year we were all gung ho to take Gracie and John Trick or Treating. That was, of course, until it rained all day. We made the decision to forgo the actual Trick or Treating but did carve/paint pumpkins and participated in Gracie's school Trunk or Treat event on Friday night.
Gracie had a good time Trunk of Treating but it took her a while to learn that the candy went into the bag and that we would eat it later. She took every piece and asked Dave and/or I to open it for her. When we said no, she looked around and spotted about 5 adults who help her all day so surely they would help. Nope, we all stuck to our guns and even taught Gracie to say Trick or Treat! Our little fairy princess and monkey boy were a big hit!
Saturday we did the whole pumpkin carving/painting deal. Gracie is great with a paint brush and beside the paint that mama bought not being very good, she made two very pretty pumpkins. She loved the pumpkin insides and stuck her hand in without thinking twice. But the diva still reigns...when she got a speck of paint on her hand she ordered me to wipe it mama, wipe it! When Dave finished her pumplin, Gracie said, "I scarey the pumpkin. The pumpkin scarey you mama?" It was priceless!