Gracie's daycare put on a wonderful Christmas show last week. The show started at 7PM (gracie's bedtime) so Dave and I were a little nervous about her overall ability to function let alone pay attention and perform. As always, Gracie did a great job. John and I waited while Daddy tried to video the whole thing...not to easy. There were soo many people packed into this teeny gym that I was thinking about a fire and us not being able to reach the emergency exit...drama. We were able to get some video...enjoy!
Gracie and her class singing!
The grand finale!!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Heart Walk
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Halloween 2009
This year we were all gung ho to take Gracie and John Trick or Treating. That was, of course, until it rained all day. We made the decision to forgo the actual Trick or Treating but did carve/paint pumpkins and participated in Gracie's school Trunk or Treat event on Friday night.
Gracie had a good time Trunk of Treating but it took her a while to learn that the candy went into the bag and that we would eat it later. She took every piece and asked Dave and/or I to open it for her. When we said no, she looked around and spotted about 5 adults who help her all day so surely they would help. Nope, we all stuck to our guns and even taught Gracie to say Trick or Treat! Our little fairy princess and monkey boy were a big hit!
Saturday we did the whole pumpkin carving/painting deal. Gracie is great with a paint brush and beside the paint that mama bought not being very good, she made two very pretty pumpkins. She loved the pumpkin insides and stuck her hand in without thinking twice. But the diva still reigns...when she got a speck of paint on her hand she ordered me to wipe it mama, wipe it! When Dave finished her pumplin, Gracie said, "I scarey the pumpkin. The pumpkin scarey you mama?" It was priceless!

Gracie had a good time Trunk of Treating but it took her a while to learn that the candy went into the bag and that we would eat it later. She took every piece and asked Dave and/or I to open it for her. When we said no, she looked around and spotted about 5 adults who help her all day so surely they would help. Nope, we all stuck to our guns and even taught Gracie to say Trick or Treat! Our little fairy princess and monkey boy were a big hit!
Saturday we did the whole pumpkin carving/painting deal. Gracie is great with a paint brush and beside the paint that mama bought not being very good, she made two very pretty pumpkins. She loved the pumpkin insides and stuck her hand in without thinking twice. But the diva still reigns...when she got a speck of paint on her hand she ordered me to wipe it mama, wipe it! When Dave finished her pumplin, Gracie said, "I scarey the pumpkin. The pumpkin scarey you mama?" It was priceless!

Pumpkin Patch
This year we took the kids and Pop Pops to the Leesburg Animal Park featuring Pumpkinville! After the shock of paying 50 bucks for five people (two little ones mind you) wore off, we really did enjoy ourselves. The weather was perfect and the activites were geared towards kids Gracie's age. She enjoyed the moon bounce (I enjoyed it as well until some kid in there was hacking up a lung and I proceeded to RUN back to the car for a huge thing of Germ-X) and the big slide Gracie had a great time.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall for Fairfax
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
4 months
John is 4 months old today! It's truly amazing how big he's gotten. 4 month stats:
15.9 lbs (75th percentile)
25 inches (50th percentile)
John is sleeping very well...he's goes down about 8:30 and sleeps until we wake him up around 6AM. Just today I was getting ready to give him a bath and put him in the exersaucer. He started talking up a storm and I looked over and he was turning himself all around, reaching for the toys and just laughing! I have noticed that John talks a lot more than Gracie did and he's so much louder!!! We got the ok from the doctor to start solid foods...he's going to love it! He's so much bigger than Gracie was at that age, we're already into size 6 months!!!!! What a chub!!!

15.9 lbs (75th percentile)
25 inches (50th percentile)
John is sleeping very well...he's goes down about 8:30 and sleeps until we wake him up around 6AM. Just today I was getting ready to give him a bath and put him in the exersaucer. He started talking up a storm and I looked over and he was turning himself all around, reaching for the toys and just laughing! I have noticed that John talks a lot more than Gracie did and he's so much louder!!! We got the ok from the doctor to start solid foods...he's going to love it! He's so much bigger than Gracie was at that age, we're already into size 6 months!!!!! What a chub!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Dave is 31!
My wonderful husband celebrated his 31st birthday this past Monday the 17th. (Wow, a whole decade ago he turned 21...duh...time is really speeding by. I remember my 21st like it was yesterday, well kind of!) This year we kept it low key with an at home celebration that included the kids, balloons and party hats! I mean what more could any man want!?!?! Gracie was so excited when she got home and saw the "birthday party" and had a hard time understanding that this wasn't her party, it was Papa's. (Maybe it is a good thing that the kids share the same birthday...this way when John has his party, it'll be Gracie's too!)
Both kids are doing great! Gracie is doing a phenomenal job potty training...she still has a couple of poop accidents at school but she's working on it! Everyday she comes home with a new saying, the latest is "that'll be fun!" She uses this when you tell her what we're about to do. Mom: Let's take a bath. Grace: That'll be fun! Mom: Let's take our shoes off. Gracie: That'll be fun. You get the idea. John is growing like a crazy man and many who see him comment on how chubby he is. Him and Gracie were about the same weight when they were born but John has definitely packed on more poundage than Gracie did. He is talking, smiling, and giggling everyday, especially at the ladies! He is a bit of a diva though, (according to his Aunt Sissy)! He can entertain himself but definitely prefers to be held. I don't spoil him!! No way!!
David enjoying his birthday pie

John loved his party hat!

Gracie with her pink cupcake at Papa's party

Say cheese Gracie!

Mama's big boy!
Both kids are doing great! Gracie is doing a phenomenal job potty training...she still has a couple of poop accidents at school but she's working on it! Everyday she comes home with a new saying, the latest is "that'll be fun!" She uses this when you tell her what we're about to do. Mom: Let's take a bath. Grace: That'll be fun! Mom: Let's take our shoes off. Gracie: That'll be fun. You get the idea. John is growing like a crazy man and many who see him comment on how chubby he is. Him and Gracie were about the same weight when they were born but John has definitely packed on more poundage than Gracie did. He is talking, smiling, and giggling everyday, especially at the ladies! He is a bit of a diva though, (according to his Aunt Sissy)! He can entertain himself but definitely prefers to be held. I don't spoil him!! No way!!
David enjoying his birthday pie
John loved his party hat!
Gracie with her pink cupcake at Papa's party
Say cheese Gracie!
Mama's big boy!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Baptism & Potty Training
Baby John, Pat and Pop Pop outside the church

Here we all are listening to Reverend Cobb

John being baptized

Ella being baptized

Me, John, Jen and Ella. John was sweating and had already changed!

Today we had John and Ella baptized. It was a bittersweet day for the family; a day of mixed feelings for me. I felt so much joy and happiness that the kids were being baptized in the same church I was. But I couldn’t help but feel the pain of my mom'sabsence. She was there in spirit but it’s just not the same. Nothing is the same.
The babies behaved during the church service and even little Gracie (with the help of her Goldfish) was quiet. After the ceremony, we headed to brunch. Dave and I weren’t sure about this brunch because Gracie was on Day 2 of potty training. This was the first time we had been away from the house and came equip with the potty chair, M&M’s, stickers, and the Thomas the Train noise makers. But we were still nervous about her peeing in the middle of a restaurant. If any of you know Clarendon, parking is a pain. We parked several blocks from the restaurant and therefore decided to leave the potty-chair behind. Halfway through lunch, Gracie said she had to go potty. Jen and I took her back there where it was my job to hold her on top of this seemingly huge toilet. Grace is very independent lately and I am not her favorite person. Those two don’t mix and I was told, “I do it Mama, go away!” So I did and she fell in. An obvious unsuccessful potty attempt. (By the way, I didn’t just let her go. I did hold on ever so lightly but she still fell in. Oh well!)
Gracie hadn’t peed since 9 o’clock that morning and it was after 2. Now we had to make it the 45-minute drive home. As we were driving, Gracie asked for some water. Oh dear Lord, I hadn’t given the child anything to drink since we left the house that morning. No wonder she didn’t have to pee! Potty training by dehydration!!!! Poor baby. So we gave her some water and not 5 minutes later, we pulled off in Fairfax because she had to go. I’ve never loved my Explorer so much. We had a whole ladies room ready in the back. She sat and sat and nothing!!!! We raced home and no joke, she went in the potty about 5 times in the span of being home for 20 minutes. So far, so good.
Gracie showing Katie how to pee pee on the potty

Gracie and her big girl panties!!

Everyone likes to use the potty with their sneakers on, right??

Move over baby John, I'm comin' in!
Here we all are listening to Reverend Cobb

John being baptized

Ella being baptized

Me, John, Jen and Ella. John was sweating and had already changed!

Today we had John and Ella baptized. It was a bittersweet day for the family; a day of mixed feelings for me. I felt so much joy and happiness that the kids were being baptized in the same church I was. But I couldn’t help but feel the pain of my mom'sabsence. She was there in spirit but it’s just not the same. Nothing is the same.
The babies behaved during the church service and even little Gracie (with the help of her Goldfish) was quiet. After the ceremony, we headed to brunch. Dave and I weren’t sure about this brunch because Gracie was on Day 2 of potty training. This was the first time we had been away from the house and came equip with the potty chair, M&M’s, stickers, and the Thomas the Train noise makers. But we were still nervous about her peeing in the middle of a restaurant. If any of you know Clarendon, parking is a pain. We parked several blocks from the restaurant and therefore decided to leave the potty-chair behind. Halfway through lunch, Gracie said she had to go potty. Jen and I took her back there where it was my job to hold her on top of this seemingly huge toilet. Grace is very independent lately and I am not her favorite person. Those two don’t mix and I was told, “I do it Mama, go away!” So I did and she fell in. An obvious unsuccessful potty attempt. (By the way, I didn’t just let her go. I did hold on ever so lightly but she still fell in. Oh well!)
Gracie hadn’t peed since 9 o’clock that morning and it was after 2. Now we had to make it the 45-minute drive home. As we were driving, Gracie asked for some water. Oh dear Lord, I hadn’t given the child anything to drink since we left the house that morning. No wonder she didn’t have to pee! Potty training by dehydration!!!! Poor baby. So we gave her some water and not 5 minutes later, we pulled off in Fairfax because she had to go. I’ve never loved my Explorer so much. We had a whole ladies room ready in the back. She sat and sat and nothing!!!! We raced home and no joke, she went in the potty about 5 times in the span of being home for 20 minutes. So far, so good.
Gracie showing Katie how to pee pee on the potty
Gracie and her big girl panties!!
Everyone likes to use the potty with their sneakers on, right??
Move over baby John, I'm comin' in!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Gracie peed on the potty!!!
She did it!!! I had just finished giving Gracie a bath and she was running around naked while I looked for her nightgown. As she was playing, she said that she had to go potty. I asked her if she wanted to go pee pee on the potty and she said yes!!! We only have one potty (I will fix that tomorrow!) so I called downstairs to Dave to bring up the potty, stat! As he was scrambling, Gracie said she really had to go potty and she peed on the carpet. I didn't want to scold her because it was us that wasn't ready, it wasn't her fault. Dave ran up with the potty, we put her little tush right on it, and she finished her buisness!!!! Yeah Gracie!
After she was done Dave and I applauded like idiots and I ran downstairs to get her a sticker and a cookie. (I polished off the M&M's a while wonder I now have a wieght loss blog!) She was so proud of herself!
My plan is to start hardcore potty training this Saturday because she has been showing all the signs for a while now. That is a long involved process but according to the all knowing Dr. Phil, it can be done in one day. All you need are big girl undies, a doll that pees, oh, and a lot of liquid!!! Hopefully Saturday will go well for our big girl!!!!
After she was done Dave and I applauded like idiots and I ran downstairs to get her a sticker and a cookie. (I polished off the M&M's a while wonder I now have a wieght loss blog!) She was so proud of herself!
My plan is to start hardcore potty training this Saturday because she has been showing all the signs for a while now. That is a long involved process but according to the all knowing Dr. Phil, it can be done in one day. All you need are big girl undies, a doll that pees, oh, and a lot of liquid!!! Hopefully Saturday will go well for our big girl!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
3 Month Update
John is now 3 months old! He is a big boy, weighing in at 13.8 pounds! He has graduated into his 3/6 months clothes and is wearing size 2/3 diapers! He has begun smiling and cooing all the time. When I sing to him he sings right back to me! His schedule is becoming a bit more predictable. He sleeps from about 10PM until 7AM. I feed him around 7:30 and he's back asleep at 8. He will usually got for a couple more hours, giving Mama time to clean up and shower! After a 10:30 feeding, we get dressed and head out for our daily errands of which he is WIDE AWAKE for. We went through about a 2 week period where he hated the car but he seems to have gotten over that, thank goodness. He is usually up all afternoon until dinner time when he snoozes! When Gracie gets home she always runs to baby John and gives him a ton of kisses.
I think we've finally adjusted to life with 2 kids. It wasn't easy but we're making it work! Enjoy the pics of my sweet little man!

I think we've finally adjusted to life with 2 kids. It wasn't easy but we're making it work! Enjoy the pics of my sweet little man!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Shoe shopping
Grace has had the same old pair of Crocs for about 2 years now. She hasn't been wearing them for that long but when she was only a couple of months old I bought the smallest size they made, 4/5. Here she is sportin' the crocs last summer:

And here she is just last week:

I think we've gotten our moneys worth out of them!
Wednesday I went to the mall with my dad and decided it was time for Gracie to get a new pair of shoes. I love the Crocs because she can put them on herself and they also hold up really well! I was planning on buying her the same pair just in a bigger size. Boring, I know. When we got to Nordstrom, however, I noticed the cutest little pair of Croc ballet type shoes. Loved it!
The one of the left in the pic:

My most impressive purchase of the week came yesterday when I went to Ross. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and since we're broke (I've been going without a paycheck for about 3 months now!) I thought discount shopping was the only answer. I went into Ross not looking for anything in particular. I didn't dare try on any clothes for myself (Jenny Craig here I come) so after wandering around a bit I ended up in the kids department. Shopping for girls is so much more enjoyable than shopping for boys; or at least this is what I thought until I found these gems:

How cute are they!!!?? And a bargin at 10 bucks each!
Gracie got her new shoes on Wednesday. She doesn't have to get something everytime John does. Right? Wrong. When I showed them to her last night, she stated, "My shoes. I put them on right now!" (Latley everything has to happen RIGHT NOW!) I told her that her feet were tooo big for the shoes. I guess she thinks I'm a liar, she had to try them on for herself. When the shoe only fit on her big toe, that was proof enough. Next she looked at baby John's feet, then back at the shoes. What happened next?

Poor baby John, destined for a life of being dressed up(and wiped) by a bunch of girls!

They sure are sweet!

And here she is just last week:

I think we've gotten our moneys worth out of them!
Wednesday I went to the mall with my dad and decided it was time for Gracie to get a new pair of shoes. I love the Crocs because she can put them on herself and they also hold up really well! I was planning on buying her the same pair just in a bigger size. Boring, I know. When we got to Nordstrom, however, I noticed the cutest little pair of Croc ballet type shoes. Loved it!
The one of the left in the pic:

My most impressive purchase of the week came yesterday when I went to Ross. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and since we're broke (I've been going without a paycheck for about 3 months now!) I thought discount shopping was the only answer. I went into Ross not looking for anything in particular. I didn't dare try on any clothes for myself (Jenny Craig here I come) so after wandering around a bit I ended up in the kids department. Shopping for girls is so much more enjoyable than shopping for boys; or at least this is what I thought until I found these gems:

How cute are they!!!?? And a bargin at 10 bucks each!
Gracie got her new shoes on Wednesday. She doesn't have to get something everytime John does. Right? Wrong. When I showed them to her last night, she stated, "My shoes. I put them on right now!" (Latley everything has to happen RIGHT NOW!) I told her that her feet were tooo big for the shoes. I guess she thinks I'm a liar, she had to try them on for herself. When the shoe only fit on her big toe, that was proof enough. Next she looked at baby John's feet, then back at the shoes. What happened next?

Poor baby John, destined for a life of being dressed up(and wiped) by a bunch of girls!

They sure are sweet!

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