Monday, December 29, 2008

Little Baby T #2

On December 22nd we had our 20 week ultrasound. And Little Baby T #2 wasn't cooperating at all. After two hours of being poked and pushed on, the technician was able to get all the medical information she needed. All the parts were in the right place and the baby looked healthy. And that was the most important part, right?
Of course! But there was one more thing that I wanted to know. Boy or girl? Pink or blue? Baseball or ballerinas? Well folks, the verdict is still out. The technician saw what she thinks may be a penis but she’s not sure. She could have been looking at something else that resembled a penis. What?!?!? Either it’s there or not. But apparently there is more to it than that. She couldn’t determine with 100 percent accuracy the gender of this baby. So, we will wait. But not until May, I don’t have the patience for that. We will wait another month and then do a 3D ultrasound. Hopefully that will be conclusive. I mean a penis in 3D would be pretty hard to mistake for something else!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I finally gave in and took the family to Portrait Innovations this past weekend. It honestly wasn't as tramatizing as I thought it be! We were able to get some good ones of Grace and some descent shots of the family. For now, I am only posting the holiday pic as the rest will be given the others as gifts to the fam! I don't want to spoil the surprise. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Gracie's school pictures

I am the worst blogger ever! Some many things happen on a day to day basis around here but between pregnancy, motherhood, and middle schoolers I just can't seem to find the time/energy to blog!!!! I must try however and just do my best.
Here are Gracie's school pictures. These might all look the same but trust me, everyone is a different variation of a frown. I mean she is pitiful!!!!!