Last weekend we were hanging out taking pictures when Grace suddenly, without warning, she lifted herself up! She was so proud of herself! And of course we tried to get her to do it again to capture on video but our little diva wouldn't perform for the paparazzi! 
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
A new post is coming...
Gracie has been sick...nothing serious just a reaction from her it's been a tough week at the Tucholskis'. I will try to update tonight with her 9 month pic (we did take some last night) but I have a workshop tonight. I promise I will try. But until then, here she is!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Mommy Guilt
While I was pregnant, I got advice from everyone. My family, co-workers, even strangers at the mall. I listened to pretty much everything they had to say, having never been pregnant before and having no freakin' clue about anything! While we talked about everything from hormones to butt paste, one topic that was never mentioned was mommy guilt. This is the guilt that a mother feels about EVERYTHING having to do with her child. Where is this coming from you may ask? Well, Gracie and I have been home together sick since Wednesday. Daycare called Tuesday afternoon and told me that Gracie was running a fever. David went to pick her up and we were informed that there had been a cough going around the infant room. Splendid. Wednesday morning we took her temperature and she still had a slight fever and was coughing like a one pack a day smoker. I called work and the pedi. Grace was sick yet again.
We went to the doctor, again. We were there on Monday to check the ears. They were ok. By Wednesday, they weren't. Oh, and she had the beginning stages of RSV, a wicked scary respitory virus. Great, more antibotics. I talked to the doctor about my concerns; this is the third antibiotic my child has been on in the past 3 months. If you know me, I'm no hippy but when it comes to my daughter I don't like to see her pumped full of chemicals. The doctor said that because she is in a daycare that she will be sick pretty much all the time, in the winter at least. Great. Her advice, taking her out of her mega big daycare center and putting her in an at home daycare with fewer kids. Dave and I are looking into that!
Despite her illness, Grace has started crawling and Dave caught it on film. Enjoy
We went to the doctor, again. We were there on Monday to check the ears. They were ok. By Wednesday, they weren't. Oh, and she had the beginning stages of RSV, a wicked scary respitory virus. Great, more antibotics. I talked to the doctor about my concerns; this is the third antibiotic my child has been on in the past 3 months. If you know me, I'm no hippy but when it comes to my daughter I don't like to see her pumped full of chemicals. The doctor said that because she is in a daycare that she will be sick pretty much all the time, in the winter at least. Great. Her advice, taking her out of her mega big daycare center and putting her in an at home daycare with fewer kids. Dave and I are looking into that!
Despite her illness, Grace has started crawling and Dave caught it on film. Enjoy
Monday, January 14, 2008
Big Girl Bath
Really, I don't want to hear it. I know she's almost 9 months old and she should have been moved into the regular tub a long time ago but she wasn't. Just when we get comfortable with something as parents, it's time to move on. Sorry for that rant, I'll know get back to my sweet old self.

I took Gracie to the doctor today b/c I was worried she had another eay infection. Good news, no infection. They also weighed her and she's now 19lbs 4 ounces. I couldn't believe that. She still fits into some of her 6 month clothes and is just starting to get bg enough for her 9 month stuff so I was shocked that she was such a little tuber! And some of you thought I wasn't feeding her enough!
Enjoy the bath shots!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Introducing Murphy and Maggie!
Nope, we did no babyproofing today. I'm not surprised.
However, my parents got two new bischon frise puppies this weekend! Our beloved bischon, Max, died two months ago suddenly after being with us for fifteen years. This of course hit the family hard, my parents especially. After much contemplation, they decided to get not one but two new little ones, my new brother and sister. No dog can replace Max but the house seemed empty. It's not empty anymore I assure you. Gracie was pretty good with the pups but she did get a little rough with Murphy during the photo shoot. She wacked him pretty hard and he fell over. Needless to say, he didn't want to stick around. Poor buddy! So brace yourself for the following pictures of perphaps the two cutest things on this entire planet, puppies and a baby!
Here they are! Complete with pink and blue t-shirts from their sister!
Alright Gracie, you ready for two new playmates?!?(We had a spill, that's why she's almost naked!)
Hey wait just one second, that's my toy!!!
Oh alright, I guess we can share!
Trying to get two puppies and one baby to pose isn't easy.
Hey wait, can I get a piggy back ride?!
Maggie shares a special secret with Gracie!!! I wonder what it was!!!
However, my parents got two new bischon frise puppies this weekend! Our beloved bischon, Max, died two months ago suddenly after being with us for fifteen years. This of course hit the family hard, my parents especially. After much contemplation, they decided to get not one but two new little ones, my new brother and sister. No dog can replace Max but the house seemed empty. It's not empty anymore I assure you. Gracie was pretty good with the pups but she did get a little rough with Murphy during the photo shoot. She wacked him pretty hard and he fell over. Needless to say, he didn't want to stick around. Poor buddy! So brace yourself for the following pictures of perphaps the two cutest things on this entire planet, puppies and a baby!
Here they are! Complete with pink and blue t-shirts from their sister!
Oh alright, I guess we can share!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Gracie's New Chair
Everyone needs their own place to sit!
Ok, so I was just revisiting the blog before going to bed and I realized how menacing the corner of that coffee table looks so close to the head of my little baby! OMG! I'm asking for trouble. SOmething must be done about this tomorrow. We are t minus hours until the little one starts to crawl and we have done zero, I mean nada, zilch baby proofing. Sunday will (should!) be the day we do it!
It fits me just right!
After a hard days work, there's nothing better than lounging around watchin' the old boob tube. Ahhhhhh!
Ok, so I was just revisiting the blog before going to bed and I realized how menacing the corner of that coffee table looks so close to the head of my little baby! OMG! I'm asking for trouble. SOmething must be done about this tomorrow. We are t minus hours until the little one starts to crawl and we have done zero, I mean nada, zilch baby proofing. Sunday will (should!) be the day we do it!
After a hard days work, there's nothing better than lounging around watchin' the old boob tube. Ahhhhhh!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
It ain't pretty...
But Gracie is on the move! Although she hasn't begun to "crawl", she can find a way to get from point A to point B. For the past several weeks she has been rocking back and forth but tonight he began to lift herself onto her hands and knees. I'm sure she'll learn the regualr crawl soon...I guess Dave and I will be babyproofing this weekend!
Grace has also cut two bottom teeth and is a little less fussy since doing so. Taking a picture of the teeth proved to be a chore but I knew I had to do it for Gracie's fans!! The last couple fo days Gracie has begun to ry more foods and is eating like a champ! She loves her peas and her new breakfast of apple ceral and fruit. We're slowly introducing table foods, Cherrios and such but Mom and Dad are nervous about her choking. She's more ready than we are! Enjoy!
"Ok, now what?"
"Ahhhhh...stretch and grow!"
"I'll get there, no matter what!""See my two bottom teeth? Getting them out was hard work but here they are!"
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Baby "Popsicle"
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Sippy Cup
Yesterday we introduced Grace to the sippy cup. I wouldn't say she was totally thrilled but she was curious. The spout sat in her mouth for a while and I thought she had it all figured out. Then she began gnawing on the rubber spout. I mean she was really going to town! Great. This is a spill proof cup and in order to get anything out of it the infant must squeeze the spout in a certain way. So basically, I don't think she got anything out. But, she is comfortable holding it and chewing on it gives her gums some comfort. Oh well! Between the cup and the frozen washcloth, we are trying to keep her as comfortable as possible.
"Yum-o...frozen washcloth!"
"Ok, Papa, thanks for showing me how this thing works"
"Look Mama and Papa, I can do it! Thanks for the new chewie toy!"
She's got a god grip on it, but I don't think she has any clue that there's so yummy juice inside!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
And we have a tooth
Well, most of one anyway! When I went to pick Gracie up at daycare, she smiled at me from the swing and I saw a lot more white than I did this morning. I promptly out my finger in her mouth and felt a very jagged little tooth. I tried to take a picture but it's so small and difficult to see but, as soon as it really comes in, I'll be clicking away. Must go, I'm exhausted, going back to work is tough!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
2008 will be the year of many firsts for the Tucholski clan, the first of which I'm praying will be a tooth! Gracie is still struggling for that first tooth to break throught...I will keep you all posted!
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