Come on, isn't this the CUTEST thing you've ever seen??
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
5 Months
I'm getting so big !
Grace has changed so much this month. She is discovering everything around her and grabbing everything that gets within her reach. She is even starting to out grow her favorite chair, the Bumpo. Physically she still fits in it just fine but she arches her back in an attempt to escape. Mommy and Daddy have to keep a keen eye on her all the time now! She giggles (as I'm sure all of you have already looked at the video!) and laughs at her Daddy all the time. She is enjoying her new school and even brought home her first project today (and we promptly displayed it on the frig)! Her care givers are in love with her and somedays they don't want to give her to me when I pick her up! She's a real charmer!
Gracie's first project!
Enjoy her giggle video!
Enjoy her giggle video!
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Cabins
Last weekend, we packed up the entire family and headed to the Cabins. The weather couldn't have been better and Gracie was feeling pretty good. Friday when I picked her up from daycare, they told me she had a tiny fever. Of course I was nervous about taking her up into the mountains, an hour away from civilization, so I called the doctor. The doctor assured me that the fever was most likely caused by teething and that as long as it didn't go up, we should be fine to go out of town. So we did! Gracie is exploring soo much now. We hiked up the falls with her and she was mesmerized but the falls, the leaves, and the other hikers. Even though she wasn't feeling up to par, she snuggled with her Daddy in the Bjorn and was a real trooper. 

Friday, September 14, 2007
I was just looking back on some of the older pictures of Grace and I am so amazed by how much she has changed. It's all going by so fast.

I know I know, I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry. Work is busy and by the time we all get home, eat, give Gracie a bath, put Gracie to bed, feed Gracie, it's late and we're tired. But, that's no excuse! I've learned that Gracie and fans and her fans mean buisness. This weekend we are taking our first family mini-vacation to the Cabins. I will post pics on Sunday of that. But, for now, here's the most recent picture of Gracie that I can access from work (taken 8/31).

Saturday, September 08, 2007
Rollin' rollin' rollin'...
She did it! Last night, September 7, Gracie rolled over for the first time! I was on the couch and Dave was putting the baby to bed. He brought her down b/c he wanted to show me something. Apparently she had been making the moves on her changing table and Dave thought she might actually do it. He put her on the floor in front of the TV on her belly. She picked up her head nice and strong (which is also a new trick!) and flipped her self right on over! It was the coolest thing. We tried to have her do it again but she was too tired. First thing this morning we captured it on film. So, what you are seeing is the actually the 2nd time Gracie rolled over. Enjoy! (The first video is Grace trying, the second video is her actually doing it!)
Friday, September 07, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Gracie Growl--Enjoy
I finally had the time to learn how to upload a video. We have taken numerous videos on our camera and I will do my best to upload one every once in a while. That way all of Gracie's fans who are far away will be able to enjoy her in person! Enjoy Gracie as she talks away and please try to ignore my own sweet voice.
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