Wednesday, June 27, 2007

2 Months

Gracie is 2 months old today! We are headed to the doctor for her check up and vaccinations:( Stay tuned for her 2 month wrap up! Meanwhile, enjoy the picture!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Gracie's First Photoshoot!

Here are a couple pictures of Gracie and I from todays photoshoot! I am so lucky that my husband is such a great photographer; he can make anyone look good!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Whose baby is it anyway?

It's pretty amazing how much Grace looks like the both of us when we were babies! Dave is pictured here in the Santa hat and I'm the one in the middle. I don't think any DNA tests are needed here!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Eley Clan comes to Visit!

Lauren and Mama Eley came to meet little Gracie yesterday. It was so great to see them and to introduce them to Grace. They of course fell in love; she's tough to resist. It really was great getting a chance to catch up with them both. Lauren is in San Diego for the summer but then will move back to the east coast this fall. Gracie is very excited that Aunt Lauren will be so close!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007


Gracie is 7 weeks old today and she's weighing in at a robust 9lbs 9 ozs! My goodness Gracie! We finally got new batteries for the camera so I took these pics this morning!

Don't even try to resist those cheeks, you can't!
Sitting on Daddy's chair

"Mom, what's that on my head?"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tucholski Weekend!

This past weekend was a big one for baby Grace. Her Nana, Grandpa and Uncle Timmy came to visit from Florida! Gracie was so excited to meet them and was on her best behavior! Cousin Zach graduated from high school and became an Eagle Scout so it was a big weekend for him. We spent some time at Aunt Tracy's house where Grace dipped her feet in the pool! She loved watching her cousin Cameron play in the pool and she can't wait until the day when she can play with him!

Me and my Nana!

Cousin Cameron...isn't he precious!

Uncle Timmy...isn't he funny?!

Making a funny face at Nana!

Me with Granpa!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Play hard, sleep hard

I totally fell in love with Gracie all over again last night; when she let us sleep from 11 luntil after 4 this morning! Five whole hours, Yipeee! Does this consitute her sleeping through the night!?!? David played with her for hours yesterday evening so I think that had something to do with it. Then, she went back to sleep until 7:30 when I actually woke her up! She is the best baby ever! Oh, and she's napping now! Now Mommy can blog and watch the Kathy Griffith marathon on Bravo! Gotta love it.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

What a weekend!

Gracie finally got her first real bath and she loved it! The warm water really seemed to relax her. Cousin Cindy, Aunt Jen, and Uncle Greg all gave Gracie some toys. Dave and I decided see if she would play with them and she did! Again, she loved it! It's amazing how much she's grown in just five weeks. Enjoy and I'll post more later!