Gracie had an excellent first Thanksgiving,in sunny Florida. We went to Leesburg, FL to visit Nana and Grandpa Tucholski for Turkey Day! Daddy and I were a bit concerned when, on the morning of the flight, she hadn't slept a wink. For those of you reading this with kids, you'll understand. She woke up at her usual 5:30AM and hadn't slept at all as we boarded the plane at 11AM. Dave announced, "We're screwed with a capital S!" Screwed because Grace is a very independent baby. She doesn't like to be held, cuddled, swaddled, nothing like that. Leave her alone and she's happy (she gets this from her father I assure you). Knowing for sure she wouldn't sleep on the plane, Dave and I boarded in sheer terror. We were going to be that couple with the baby who screamed for two hours straight.
The delirious face; can you tell she's exhausted?!?!?!?David and I sat down, bottle prepped. She played while we taxied and then, as soon as the plane starting to accerlate, I popped the bottle into her mouth. NO sooner were we off the ground than Grace was asleep. Not fully asleep, she was still awake enough to eat (yet another Tucholski trait!) but other than that completly relaxed. When she finished, I switched the bottle for the binks and she slept for an hour and a half of the two hour flight, on my lap no less. The way back was a different story.
Gracie, Nana, and her new favorite friend!
Chillin' at the pool (thank you Lauren for my ladybug attire)Nana makin' me giggle like crazy at the pool